Sat, Jan 15
1992—George H.[H.]W. Bush, in N.H. for votes, says “[W]e are blessed. So don’t feel sorry for … don’t cry for me, Argentina.” 1989—TV guest Donald Trump asks host Larry King, “Do you mind if I sit back a little…your breath is very bad.” 1989—The Gipper, on MLK Day, says some civil rights leaders are “doing very well…keeping alive the feeling that they’re victims of prejudice.” 1977—Bill Murray makes his debut on SNL; the host is Ralph Nader. 1970—The Washington Monthly tells U.S. citizens 1,000 U.S. Army spies have been watching them since 1965. 1968—Near Dak To, SP/5 Dwight H. Johnson engages so fiercely in a …