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Running on Warped Drive

If this election campaign were an episode of “Star Trek”—we should be so lucky—we’d be hearing from Scotty pretty soon: “I dannea if she can take any more, Captain!” Eleven days ago one of the candidates released a campaign photo of himself doing something that no normal, sane person would ever do. If some normal sane person were somehow tricked into pulling this stunt—standing among the graves at Arlington National Cemetery, grinning like an ape, with his diminutive thumb raised—and was photographed in the act, they’d probably assume it was for blackmail purposes, and hire a gumshoe to deep-six the evidence. We are talking, however, about the presidential standard bearer of the Party of Lincoln. To paraphrase Mr. Praline speaking of the Norwegian Blue, sane and normal don’t enter into it. This particular farce began eleven days ago, a near eternity in today’s politics. Since then the perpetrator has thrown out enough red herrings to choke a school of orcas. We can say this: first,…

“Nothing to see here, move along…” – A.G. William Barr

Citizens and journalists alike, we live in chaos by design. For a decade, the coalition of grifters and politicians who seem to dominate our politics and culture have deployed Generaloberst Steve Bannon’s strategy of “flooding the zone with shit” so successfully that news stories which once would have been on everyone’s lips now go unremarked. That’s why we’ve been asking The Google about the phrase “$10 million.” We were immediately introduced to “a 19-year-old British garbage man [who in 2002] won 10 million pounds (approx $15 million) on the lottery. He spent it all on drugs, gambling and prostitutes and 8 years later was back working as a garbage man again.” Entertaining, but not what we were seeking. The next item brought us closer to…

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Thurs, Sept 12

2008—Hank Paulson, ex-Goldman Sachs, tells Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers “No Fed $ for you.” 2001—George W.[MD] Bush tells Richard Clarke, his top counter-terror guy, “go back over everything, everything…

Wed, Sept 11

2016—The GOP nominee for President tweets “best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.” 2012—Benghazi!!! 2006—At Ground Zero, for a photo op, President…

Tues, Sept 10

2008—Lehman Brothers execs say the firm has all the capital it needs, five days before it declares bankruptcy. 2001—Donald Rumsfeld admits the Defense Department can’t account for about $2.3 trillion…

Mon, Sept 9

2013—Five days of chaos begin in Fort Lee, N.J., due to a suspicious, unannounced bridge closure. 2009—As President Obama addresses Congress, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) yells at him, “You lie.”…

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The New Hampshire Gazette’s resident starving artist. Over 20 years of political satire, some whimsical and some occasionally irreverent.

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“Thanks again, as always, for making the now really bad news somewhat easier to tolerate. The truth, which is now seldom spoken, and never spoken by our nation’s “Liar in Chief,” just keeps getting worse and worse. I am thankful for our still (for now, anyway) free press and late night television comedians’ rants posted on Youtube about the state of our country.”

— E.S., Dover, N.H.

Admiral Fowle’s Piscataqua River Tidal Guide
(Not for Navigational Purposes)

Portsmouth, arguably the first town in this country not founded by religious extremists, is bounded on the north and east by the Piscataqua River, the second, third, or fourth fastest-flowing navigable river in the country…read more.