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Election at Bernie’s

It seems odd. Prior to July 21st, news organizations could not stop talking about the mental fitness and acuity of the candidates in the 2024 presidential race. Now it seems like anything goes. This is a delicate issue, so we’d like to make one thing clear: we harbor no prejudice against those who speak gibberish. Professor Irwin Corey had no more devoted fan. The line must be drawn, though, at the entrance to the Oval Office. The problem here is that if the media were to start applying the standards they once used on Joe Biden to the Republican nominee, they would immediately be buried under accusations of bias, libel, and slander. The media are in a box, but it’s one of their own making. The term may be new—and has long been badly needed—but they’ve been sanewashing Donald J. Trump since the day he glided down his gilded escalator. It was, almost literally, a deal with the devil. He put on a show, and…

Better Old News Than New Lies

Portsmouth, Nov. 3, 1892 This is the last issue of the Gazette to reach our readers before the presidential election. … no man who loves his country… can hesitate about voting the republican ticket, both national and state. … If unworthy local candidates have been put in nomination, it is also the duty of loyal republicans to reject them for the future good of the party. … The nomination of Henry W. Blair for Congress in the first congressional district is not to the credit of the republican party, and his past record is not such as to hold out any hope that he will be other than a disorganizer, a servile but secret tool of democratic leaders and their helpers in the republican party…

Page 8

Fri, Nov 8

2016—Donald J. Trump wins the Presidency. Everybody else is a loser. 2013—The Navy lifts Ted “Twig” Branch’s clearance, so he can’t read secrets anymore, but leaves him in his job…

Thurs, Nov 7

2020—The Wall Street Journal runs an op-ed by Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney under the headline, “If he loses, Trump will concede gracefully.” 2020—Dolt 45’s cracked legal team holds a…

Wed, Nov 6

2018—Nevada’s 36th district elects brothel-owner Dennis Hoff to the State Assembly by a huge margin. He’s been dead for three weeks. 2016—FBI Director James Comey says never mind about those…

Tues, Nov 5

1986—In a hijacked helicopter, ’Nam vet Ron McIntosh springs his girl from the prison he recently escaped. 1974—In New Hampshire, Louis C. Wyman gets 355 more votes than John Durkin….

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Mike Dater’s Corner

The New Hampshire Gazette’s resident starving artist. Over 20 years of political satire, some whimsical and some occasionally irreverent.

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“Thanks again, as always, for making the now really bad news somewhat easier to tolerate. The truth, which is now seldom spoken, and never spoken by our nation’s “Liar in Chief,” just keeps getting worse and worse. I am thankful for our still (for now, anyway) free press and late night television comedians’ rants posted on Youtube about the state of our country.”

— E.S., Dover, N.H.

Admiral Fowle’s Piscataqua River Tidal Guide
(Not for Navigational Purposes)

Portsmouth, arguably the first town in this country not founded by religious extremists, is bounded on the north and east by the Piscataqua River, the second, third, or fourth fastest-flowing navigable river in the country…read more.