September 6, 2024— To download this issue of our paper, just click on the image at right.
Running on Warped Drive
If this election campaign were an episode of “Star Trek”—we should be so lucky—we’d be hearing from Scotty pretty soon: “I dannea if she can take any more, Captain!” Eleven days ago one of the candidates released a campaign photo of himself doing something that no normal, sane person would ever do. If some normal sane person were somehow tricked into pulling this stunt—standing among the graves at Arlington National Cemetery, grinning like an ape, with his diminutive thumb raised—and was photographed in the act, they’d probably assume it was for blackmail purposes, and hire a gumshoe to deep-six the evidence. We are talking, however, about the presidential standard bearer of the Party of Lincoln. To paraphrase Mr. Praline speaking of the Norwegian Blue, sane and normal don’t enter into it. This particular farce began eleven days ago, a near eternity in today’s politics. Since then the perpetrator has thrown out enough red herrings to choke a school of orcas. We can say this: first,…