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Predictable Chaos

As expected, it took a fortnight for the general tone of the second term of the Dunning-Kruger administration to reveal itself. This is not to say there have been no surprises. Who knew Donald Trump was a Maoist? “There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent.” We certainly did not expect to hear, on National Polite Radio, such a devastatingly accurate assessment of the President’s declaration, on Tuesday, of Nakba II. “I understood this as the meeting between a convicted felon, in the White House, and an indicted war criminal, in Benjamin Netanyahu,” Yousef Munayyer told Steve Inskeep. “So the expectation was, there was going to be a conspiracy to commit further crimes, once these two gentlemen got together.” Munayyer’s expectation manifested itself as a proposed final solution to the problem of Palestinians living in Gaza. It starts with driving out the ones who haven’t yet been killed. For all we know, it will wrap up with the unveiling, atop a garish building,…

The Gilded Age Returns,
Complete With Propaganda of the Deed

The recent shooting of a health care magnate on the streets of New York furthers the argument that the Gilded Age is back—in full force. Any 19th century anarchist would immediately recognize Brian Thompson’s killing as a case of what’s called “propaganda of the deed.” These were violent acts meant to show the broader public that, while the prevailing political and economic systems might have been powerful and omnipresent, they were not omnipotent. A greater goal for these attacks was to spark a widespread insurrection; their consistent failure to achieve that end no doubt helps to account for their gradual decline. Until recently, anyway. It’s a far cry from ripping up cobblestones to build barricades in the street, but when Colin Jost uttered the name…

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Tues, Feb 18

2012—Rep. Bob Morris [R-Ind.] says Girl Scouts use “feminists, lesbians, and Communists” as role models to promote a “homosexual lifestyle.” 2001—Robert Hanssen, a devout Catholic, exhibitionist, patron of strippers, and…

Mon, Feb 17

2021—After poisoning U.S. discourse for 37 years, oxygen thief Rush Limbaugh shuts his lying trap. 2017—President Trump declares the press to be the enemy of the people. 2015—A study finds…

Sun, Feb 16

1982—Nancy Reagan says, via an aide, she’ll no longer accept “loaned” threads from big name designers because she’s “really…tired of people misinterpreting what she was doing.” 1978—The first computer bulletin…

Sat, Feb 15

2003—It’s the largest demonstration in history—up to ten million people, in 600 cities around the world, say “No” to Bush 43’s Iraq War. 1989—After just a little over nine years…

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“Thanks again, as always, for making the now really bad news somewhat easier to tolerate. The truth, which is now seldom spoken, and never spoken by our nation’s “Liar in Chief,” just keeps getting worse and worse. I am thankful for our still (for now, anyway) free press and late night television comedians’ rants posted on Youtube about the state of our country.”

— E.S., Dover, N.H.

Admiral Fowle’s Piscataqua River Tidal Guide
(Not for Navigational Purposes)

Portsmouth, arguably the first town in this country not founded by religious extremists, is bounded on the north and east by the Piscataqua River, the second, third, or fourth fastest-flowing navigable river in the country…read more.