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It’s Raining [Lies About] Cats and Dogs

Anna Kilgore, of Springfield, Ohio, called the cops. She couldn’t find her cat, Miss Sassy. Anna suspected that her neighbors, who are Haitian, had eaten the cat. Ohio Senator and Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance sprang into action. On September 9th, he tweeted: “Months ago I raised the issue of Haitian illegal immigrants draining social services and generally causing chaos all over Springfield, Ohio. “Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country. Where is our border czar?” The next day, during the presidential debate, Republican nominee Donald Trump treated the alleged canis- and felisophagy as a burgeoning national security threat: “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating… they’re eating the pets of the people that live there.” * The luckless co-moderator David Muir—his task akin to herding cats—gamely quoted a statement from Springfield’s City Manager: “There have been no credible reports of…

“Nothing to see here, move along…” – A.G. William Barr

Citizens and journalists alike, we live in chaos by design. For a decade, the coalition of grifters and politicians who seem to dominate our politics and culture have deployed Generaloberst Steve Bannon’s strategy of “flooding the zone with shit” so successfully that news stories which once would have been on everyone’s lips now go unremarked. That’s why we’ve been asking The Google about the phrase “$10 million.” We were immediately introduced to “a 19-year-old British garbage man [who in 2002] won 10 million pounds (approx $15 million) on the lottery. He spent it all on drugs, gambling and prostitutes and 8 years later was back working as a garbage man again.” Entertaining, but not what we were seeking. The next item brought us closer to…

Page 8

Thurs, Oct 3

2009—Combat Outpost Keating, in Nuristan, badly-sited and scheduled for abandonment, is mostly overrun by Taliban fighters who capture weapons and ammunition, leaving eight Americans dead and 27 wounded. 2006—Republicans in…

Wed, Oct 2

2003—Survey chief David Kay reports that his three-month, $300 million search for Saddam Hussein’s WMD has turned up squat. 2002—George W.[MD] Bush calls Iraq “a threat of unique urgency,” because…

Tues, Oct 1

2013—In the name of fiscal discipline, Republicans shut down the government. Cost to the economy: $24 billion. 2003—With the blessings of Gov. Benson [R-$], Free Staters choose New Hampshire as…

Mon, Sept 30

2016—N.H.’s Attorney General reports that ex-Rep. Kyle Tasker [R-Nottingham] sold pot to five other State Reps. for medicinal purposes. 2011—U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlaki is smote by a drone in Yemen….

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Volume 269, No. 1

Gazette Front Page

September 20, 2024— To download this issue of our paper, just click on the image at right.

Politics on paper since October 7, 1756

A newspaper, a third cousin five times removed,
a freelance insurgency. Watch the video.

Political Cartoons.

Mike Dater’s Corner

The New Hampshire Gazette’s resident starving artist. Over 20 years of political satire, some whimsical and some occasionally irreverent.

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“Thanks again, as always, for making the now really bad news somewhat easier to tolerate. The truth, which is now seldom spoken, and never spoken by our nation’s “Liar in Chief,” just keeps getting worse and worse. I am thankful for our still (for now, anyway) free press and late night television comedians’ rants posted on Youtube about the state of our country.”

— E.S., Dover, N.H.

Admiral Fowle’s Piscataqua River Tidal Guide
(Not for Navigational Purposes)

Portsmouth, arguably the first town in this country not founded by religious extremists, is bounded on the north and east by the Piscataqua River, the second, third, or fourth fastest-flowing navigable river in the country…read more.