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About the Gazette

The New Hampshire Gazette is an eight-page newspaper, published 26 times a year on alternating Fridays. Distributed for free in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and the surrounding towns of Dover, Durham, Exeter, Newmarket, Rochester, and Somersworth, it is also available by subscription, from coast to coast and around the world.

The Gazette was founded on October 7, 1756 by Daniel Fowle, the state’s first printer. Daniel, whose only children had died as infants, left the paper to his partner and former apprentice, John Melcher when he died on June 4, 1787. Over the next two centuries the paper changed hands two dozen times. By 1810, when Isaiah Thomas’s History of Printing was published, The New Hampshire Gazette had become “the oldest newspaper printed in New England.” In 1839 The New Hampshire Gazette became The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper,™ when The Maryland Gazette, founded in 1745, expired.

In the video below, the current editor, Steve Fowle, who is Daniel Fowle’s third cousin, five times removed, explains how he acquired The New Hampshire Gazette in 1989.

Our thanks to Dan Freund and Jason Tublewicz from Kinney Hill Media Partners.

33 thoughts on “About the Gazette”

  1. Rex

    You were the first, and so far you’re the only one.

    You may lose your bet, but you’ve won our gratitude.

  2. Kerry on, John!

    In 2004, I wrote an article published by Peace Corps’ Worldview Magazine titled “The future of peace lies with John Kerry”, stating “I was born in the buckle of the Bible Belt and was taught to respect and honour the democratic values of fair play, liberty and justice for all humanity. As a Peace Corps volunteer, I became a pragmatic idealist, chronic optimist and heretical “just do it” believer, appreciative of free opportunities and conveniences I had for too long simply taken for granted, but also emotionally disturbed and perturbed about the indignities and inequities suffered by the circumstantially less fortunate, determined to somehow make a significant positive impact.
    Now, a decade later, Prince Valiant John Kerry has been fighting an extraordinarily fierce uphill battle to broker a framework for a sustainable peaceful coexistence deal between Israel and the Palestinians. Continuing the occupation would be catastrophic, deepening distrust and isolation. The Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas sides remain diametrically opposed on the final issues of borders, settlements, Jerusalem, refugees, security and declaration of Israel as a Jewish state. I find especially offensive the contempt, mockery and unfair strident criticism of Kerry’s tireless efforts, with hardcore right-wing bigots playing the shame & blame game, calling John “naïve and Messianic.” He deserves our grateful admiration and wholehearted support for taking on and relentlessly pursuing a seemingly impossible mission.
    As an increasingly isolated and bellicose Israel moves closer to the abyss, we must not ignore the urgent pleas of the Palestinian people (and the silent majority of Israelis) for a safe and secure solution for disillusioned future generations. The Palestinians deserve to be treated with dignity in their own independent sovereign state instead of constantly facing discrimination regarding such issues as health, education, property rights, infrastructure, political process, free access and fair-minded justice. Peaceful coexistence with Jerusalem as a shared capital is the only viable negotiated solution. Pax vobiscum.
    No Holds Bard Charles Frederickson

  3. Greetings New Hampshire Gazette:

    Most certainly it is not against any law to run for political office in a State wherein a political want-to-be does not really live. But why would the people of that State want that scenario? Is it really the appeal of a plastic fake candidate driving around in old GMC Canyon truck? Hey, that guy Scott Brown is making fools of the citizens in New Hampshire.

    An engineer named Hunt, was given an engine to shunt, saw a run-a-way truck, by yelling out duck, saved lives of the fellows in front. But this guy Scott Brown or any GOP candidate for that matter has no interest in yelling out duck to any American. This is for damn sure.

    The GOP would rather wage war on foreign soil and not tell the American society the truth while the GOP simultaneously undermines American society, American elections processes, and the government of the United States. This is the museum of recollection the Republican Party would rather not revisit.

    New Hampshire citizens need to give this guy Scott Brown gas money to leave the State of New Hampshire, peacefully.

    Gary Witherspoon​​​

  4. New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN) OP-ED on the Northern Pass

    Representatives from the Northern Pass will be courting New Hampshire people over the next few weeks to convince us that, “the project is a done deal” and that, “we’ll get used to it”. They’ll inflate the job story. Talk about tax benefits to the community. Spin the project as renewable energy and claim their vision is in our best interests.

    A good salesman can convince consumers to buy stuff – that’s his job. Our job is to sit up and pay attention. To spot a good deal when we find it and a lie when we hear it. The skill of deception can be overcome by an examination of the facts.

    The land and the reputation that we’ve inherited from our ancestors have been built from strong stock. Whether we’ve lived close to the land here for generations or have come “from away” to escape the industrialization of our former homes, we have learned how to adapt to a climate that changes practically every ten minutes. The one thing that will never change is our love for the mountains, rivers, streams, and rural communities that is more than a backdrop picture for our lives.

    We’ve been sending a strong message to Hydro-Quebec, Northern Pass and the corporate partnership built on the promise of more, for over three years. We understand that it takes people seven times before they can hear and internalize new material. We wonder if there is a learning impairment involved that prevents the corporate ownership of one of the most destructive hydroelectric projects on the planet from comprehending the meaning of “no”, or the message of, “not now, not ever.”

    The New Hampshire of our grandparents’ time is not the New Hampshire of today. We’ve accelerated our way of life with technologies that exceed the dreams (and nightmares) of our forerunners. We’ve inherited a beautiful countryside and a way of life that harkens back to simpler times and holds the potential for better times to come. We have a responsibility to protect that way of life from utter ruin and to answer for it to our grandchildren when they ask us, “What did you do to preserve New Hampshire?”

    There are some corporate executives whose vision of New Hampshire is built on the hope that the towers and transmission lines planned in their dreams will appear as real dollars in their bank accounts. The vision of New Hampshire people looks altogether different. It does not include supporting corruption, lies, or the displacement of people from their ancestral homelands to profit corporate shareholders, wealthy executives and the Province of Quebec. We do not feel obligated out of any sense of fairness to comply with a corporate design built on the personal sacrifices of our neighbors, friends and family members.

    If New Hampshire needs more energy, we should create statewide initiatives to support and allow local communities to replace fossil fuel consumption with sustainable energy solutions that reflect our way of life. We never asked for, nor do we require, any foreign or corporate entity to create and impose policies on our people without our consent. In fact, we wonder at the capability of any federal or state policy makers to develop anything beyond a good deal for industry that is a bad deal for us.

    We’re greater than the sum of all of our parts. It’s time to stand up for our communities and our values. To not back down, never apologize and never compromise on rights. Government of right originates in the people and operates by consent. The State operates at the peoples’ behest, not the other way around. This is not an argument about electricity it’s an argument about rights. No permit for the project, no compromise on rights and no Northern Pass. Not in my backyard, not in anyone’s backyard. Not now, not ever.

    The New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN)
    Barnstead, NH 03225
    Contact: gail@celdf.org

    Local representatives:
    Gail Darrell, Barnstead
    Peter Anderson, Sugar Hill
    Pam Martin, Plymouth
    Cindy Kudlik, Grafton
    Alexis Eynon, Thornton
    Emily Eynon, Thornton
    Nancy Martland, Sugar Hill
    Dorothy MacPhaul, Sugar Hill
    Elizabeth Terp, Thornton
    Pete Martin, Plymouth

  5. It is Sunday, April 28, and I am watching NH Public TV special on the Dust Bowl. Even more convinced that reinstitution of the WPA is what this country needs….and yes, the 1% must be made to pay for it. We have tried letting big corporations get big tax breaks, lax regulation, and no oversight and they have collected gold with the blood and sweat of the American worker. What happened to the money? The rich got richer, the middle class slashed, and the poor die anonymous.

    The WPA saved millions from starvation, and created dams, schools, Parks, and roads still in use. Only the government has the ability to do this.

  6. Hi New Hampshire Gazette —

    Roy Zimmerman is a nationally known satirical songwriter, often compared to Tom Lehrer and Phil Ochs. Think “Daily Show with a guitar.” I wanted to let you know about two of Roy’s upcoming shows, one in Exeter and one in Portsmouth.

    In 2012, Roy traveled 47,000 to do 161 shows in 49 states. He claims responsibility for Barack Obama’s reelection, a claim which is somewhat exaggerated. So you can see what Roy’s up to, here’s a link to his “Chickenhawk,” a song inspired by your Chickenhawk Hall of Shame – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsktNLgpCs8. Here’s “I’m In” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCA6nqC7B20.

    And here’s a press release. Thanks for taking a look and a listen,

    Lee Martin

    Metaphor Records


    meta4records@aol.com – 415-722-9270 – (photo available)


    “It’s a big, big country full of all kinds of people,” says satirical songwriter Roy Zimmerman, “but there’s one thing we can all agree on. And when I find out what that is, I’ll let you know.” He’s bringing his funny songs about Peace and Justice to New Hampshire for two performances.

    Sunday, April 21 at 7 pm, Roy will perform his show “Wake Up Call” at the First UU Society of Exeter, 12 Elm Street. Tuesday, May 7 at 7 pm, Roy’s “Wake Up Call” comes to the UU Church of Portsmouth, 292 State Street. Admission for both shows is $8 or pay what you can.

    The world is full of funny songs, but Zimmerman’s hilarious, rhyme-intensive originals are also incisive calls to action, smart, savvy and undeniable. “Wake Up Call” is ninety minutes of these songs – funny songs like “Abstain With Me” and “I Want a Marriage Like They Had In the Bible,” heartfelt songs like “Hope, Struggle and Change” and “I Approve This Message,” and impassioned comic commentary.

    In thirteen albums over twenty years, Roy has brought the sting of satire to the struggle for Peace and Social Justice. His songs have been heard on HBO and Showtime. He has recorded for Warner/Reprise Records. He’s been profiled on NPR’s “All Things Considered.” Zimmerman’s YouTube videos have amassed over seven million views, and he’s a featured blogger for the Huffington Post.

    In 2012, Roy and his wife and co-writer Melanie Harby traveled 47,000 miles to 161 shows in 49 states. “Even in the Reddest of states,” Zimmerman reports, “we found Bright Blue Dots — groups of people huddled together to do Progressive work where it most needs to be done.”

    In every state Roy and Melanie visited they wrote a new verse to their song, “Vote Republican” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ege_RBhh37A), each one taking a different satirical slant on the GOP election year agenda. In the version recorded in Hyde Park, NV, for instance, Roy sits down with the statues of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and teaches them how to save a faltering economy in words taken directly from Mitt Romney’s website (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyJ0ORtLlfs).

    Roy’s songs take aim at politics, of course; there’s a plaintive lament about how hard it is “To Be a Liberal,” a rollicking indictment of the “Socialist” policies of George W. Bush and Richard Nixon, a tender ode to “Citizens United.” There are social targets as well; a lesson in “Creation Science 101,” a lambasting of the “Defenders of Marriage” who oppose same-sex unions, a “Sing-Along Second Amendment.”

    At times though, Roy wears his heart on his Left sleeve. “Hope and Change is what you voted for,” he sings, “…but you know the slogan always needed just one more word: Hope, Struggle and Change.”

    “He simultaneously inspires me and makes me laugh my ass off,” says comedian/author Paul Krassner.

    Sing Out! Magazine writes, “Zimmerman is a guy on the left skewering folks on the right with rapier-sharp lyrics … underneath the caustic satire is a man who is surprisingly optimistic.”

    “Zimmerman lifted the evening,” reports Stephen Holden in the New York Times, “squawking and clucking his scorn with a contagious irreverence.”

    – 30 –

  7. You say you are a veteren or at least very sypathetic to Veterens and Veteren’s organizations. Sypathetic to the virtue that at least Vietnam Vets should tell the truth or be told the truth about Vietnam or in any operation they were in.

    You, the Editor, state that you are for the genuine virtue of the Veteren, The great Protector of Liberty.

    Yet, you are really not a defender of any liberty, or any freedom of anyone. According you your words to Mr Alex Boros letters of 9/21/12 and 10/5/12, the little people should stop of forms of thinking because you are “all knowing” and we the citizens should just follow along.

    The most precious of any Right we have is the Right to Vote. Everyone should go into the voting booths everytime and vote for the candidate that best reflects their morals, values and convictions. This should be sacred.

    Mr. Alex Boros of Rochester wrote two letters to the Gazette, 9/21/12 ad 10/5 and you savagely marginilized him and yes, i will call it, verbally bullied him for wanting to go into the voting both this past election day and vote his conscience. What could be more American? I thought that is why we vote in the first place.

    But you instead you used your suppossed right of free speech as a “journalist” to “rant” against him for wanting more choices so he could freely vote for his morals, values and convictions. He saw (and rightly so) no difference between either Romney or Obama. He is factually correct and I saw no difference between Hassan or Lamontagne or Guinta and “our Carole” this past election season.

    I will never apologize and will never be remorseful for my Nader vote in 2000 (or in 1996 or 2004 for that matter). I did what every American should do every election day. Vote for the best candidate they feel could be preside over this country. The candidate that most reflects our morals, values, convictions hopes and dreams for America. Our most freeist form of political participation.

    Oh I am very sorry that it may offend you that people actually should vote their morals, condictions, values and conscience. That voting for two evils still brings you evil. If you vote for evil, you will get it every single time. We are after all a representative democracy. That sacred liberty and right we have to vote should be used to vote FOR someone instead of voting for someone to block against someone or something else.

    You owe Mr. Boros a public apology for suggesting he eat marshmellows and even move to another state where is vote in NH would not count.

    These kind of cruel statements, made in public, to a citizen who may frequent one of your advertisers, shows the treatment you may of received when you came home from Vietnam was well deserved. Ridiculing, in public, one’s voting intentions based on conscience does not make you a patriot. It certainly does not make you worthy of any parade attendence because it is obvious you forgot what the military code actually stands for and what you are obliged to defend……..The Constitution.

    Mr. Boros is much more a patriot then you will ever be regardless of how many bullets you may of dodged. You Mr. Fowle have shown your true colors.

    Mr Boros was right. If you have the testicular fortitude left in you, I suggest you read these arcticles as to why Mr. Boros and I have been right for years.



    Nadar said it 2000 and Mr. Boros was just reminding everyone in his two letters, there is no difference between the parties. You consistantly in your pages blame the Democrats of having no backbone but for some reason we have this “obligation” to re-elect them because who knows what kind of evil may come if we do not. Evil is what we have had the last 40 years and evil remains. Happy now? Welcome home Mr. Fowle. Thank you Mr. Boros for pointing out “inconvenient truths” that some people just don’t appreciate…


  8. How sad a day for New Hampshire citizens when their legislature failed to proclaim an official Granny D Day.

    Downgrading an important female figure at her birthplace state is shameful. Doris “Granny D” Haddock was a remarkable New Hampshire citizen.

    Haddock achieved national fame when, between the ages of 88 and 90, she walked across the continental United States to advocate for campaign finance reform.

    Haddock was vehemently apolitical in her organizing that passed Campaign Reform Act on a bi-partisan basis, also known as the “McCain-Feingold” Bill.

    She led a remarkable life documented in film, books, and etched in the memory of people who heard her speeches and commencement addresses around the nation.

    Doris Haddock had the opportunity to meet Chicago’s most famous and respected citizens, Studs Terkel, before he died in 2008 at the age of 96.

    Studs Terkel and Doris Haddock were kindred souls. Studs was respected in the arts and as an American historian – chronicling peoples lives through their oral histories without regard to party, religion or beliefs.

    Studs and Granny D’s liberal viewpoints were real, but secondary to their contributions and convictions as Americans.

    Just last week in Illinois, May 16th was proclaimed Studs Terkel Day in celebration of his Centennial.

    Doris “Granny D” Haddock deserves a day of recognition in New Hampshire. Perhaps the politicans of New Hampshire are not yet ready look past Granny D’s role as a social justice advocate, but the people recognize her as a patriot and a civic leader.

  9. I absolutely love your video!! Please dont ever give up your ownership! I worked at the Portsmouth Herald when the “Lord” owned the newspaper in the late 1980’s. The continuity of the history of the newspaper is priceless!! A random accounting of colonial days from archived copies of the newspaper would be a great valuable addition.

  10. If you compare a map of fracking sites in the US, and a map of nuclear power plants in the US, you will see that on both maps the area from the Great Lakes to the East Coast is the area of greatest concentration for both – they overlap. If you then search “fracking and earthquakes” you’ll see huge amounts of evidence relating the two. In the area affected by Tuesday’s earthquake there are around 40 nuclear reactors, (25 of which are 30 years old or older.)

    What’s been happening over the past few years is that as nonrenewable natural gas supplies dwindle, fracking efforts have become more extreme: drilling is deeper, more fluid volume is forced in, more toxins are used. Thus, with this increased violence, we can expect more earthquakes.

    After yesterday’s earthquake, one nuclear plant was shut down and 12 others reported unusual incidents. With continued fracking, it’s a matter of time until we see a nuclear accident. Do any of our major metropolitan areas have an evacuation plan? Or a plan to distribute potassium iodide (taken after a nuclear accident to prevent radiation poisoning) to the populace?

    Can we stop fracking? Because of the Halliburton Loophole, the federal government is prohibited from regulating fracking.

    Can we depend on our governments at any level to make sure we have our iodide, or a way out, when the inevitable happens? I suggest you lay in your own supplies and make an exit plan.

  11. broken link for the “Too Much” article currently showing on page one, some distance down the page. It’s under the Sanders and Schakowski parts, might be in the Shakowski one.

  12. Many thanks for making mention of the U.S. Coast Guard in your web-page “who served”. Correct…the C.G. is indeed one of the five branches of the U.S. Uniformed Military Services, much to the surprise of many. I wore its uniform for four years during the VietNam War and endured the venom and hatred of the protesters like the other men in uniform. No tears, just facts. Your recognition of the sacrifice the Coasties make for their country is greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly!

  13. The Slippery Slope of the Republican Agenda:
    HB 536 – the right to carry a firearm openly or concealed without a license; Tucson, AZ a 10 year old girl and 5 other fatalities as well as a US Congresswoman critically injured in a public place.
    HB235 – the right to possess a firearm in one’s personal motor vehicle; one needs only review recent examples in the media regarding “road rage” to be very afraid of this.
    HB309 – the repeal of certain insurance mandates; good luck to those who have leukemia, who are divorced and at risk of losing insurance coverage, who are under the age of three and/or have conditions that require special treatment to support their growth and development, for those who are deaf or have hearing impairments or who are morbidly obese.
    HB219 – a study of the abolishment of the department of education; when the demand for a comprehensive education is necessary to compete in a global marketplace, the current need is to expand curricula standards.
    HB446 and HB450 – the deregulation of certain professional occupations; not only do these bills, if passed , place the public at risk for serious harm but also elimination of these licensing boards creates a substantial loss in revenue for the state of NH.
    Repeal of the Freedom to Marry Act which denies the opportunity for equal rights and human rights.
    Clearly what the some of the aforementioned bills represent is a disregard for NH citizens who are most vulnerable and for those who do not have a loud voice in the political process. Where is the compassion and humanity that has always been an aspect of a democracy? A government of the people, by the people and for the people is a government that listens to the people; acts on behalf of the people; and is not beholden to special interests with big pockets. The special interest groups only serve to silence the voice of those most in need because they are more concerned with profits than humanity. It is time to Stand Up and Speak UP. If we choose silence then we are complicit.

    Sharon Nichols
    Portsmouth, NH

  14. When we walk into the polls we will be looking down at two names Carol Shea-Porter and Frank Guinta. Looking at his donors we see who will influence his voting in Congress. Mystical groups who are buying his services in a seat in our House, The Koch brothers (Jim Crow Champions), Communist China (where are jobs went), Iran (an enemy of Israel ) and the U.S Chamber of Com. (who support acceptable loss of our jobs overseas).

    Over 28 years we have been taught how conservative or Republican Party says they are. Their words do not match their accounting. They left us over drawn by $13 trillion dollars. Now a new mystery in accounting Frank Guinta can’t account for $330,000. “This will be another mess we will get into. Republican Finance at its finest.

    When Frank Guinta was Mayor he promised that his school system would be an example on a hill. What Manchester got was 1,000 % failure. We are now 24th in the world, when Frank takes our seat in our House look out Plaistow, Exeter, Derry, Portsmouth and others we will drop down even further. Our schools will become, a bad example on a hill.
    Frank Guinta talks about taxes as a friend, but he raised taxes in Manchester so he could spend money for services. Isn’t it what is said as, “Tax and Spend?”
    Carol Shea-Porter is still working for us in Congress for all of us, Veterans, firefighter, police, teachers, children, waitresses and others.

  15. I enjoy your site very much and look at it often. The USA lacks popularity around the world for reasons that you know so well. Yet I know there are so many good people in your country who are prepared to stand up for the truth and for intellectual integrity. The Christian Taliban, also known as the ‘Bible Belt’ is a threat to our scientific and advanced cultural civilisation, our only defence against it is our own intellect and our belief in the the power of reasoning and scientific proof. Faced as we are against the overwhelming forces of superstition, Mythology and and the bogus claims that are made about the inescaple power of capitalism, which recent events have proven to be total nonsenes ( The British Government was forced to nationalise many of the largest banks in Britain in order to save the investments of the ordinary people, those banks have now gone into profit again and are expected to earn 30 billion pounds for the public funds in the next few years), Gordon Brown who was the prime minister of Britain at at the time and he got it right , history will show that his Marxist economic brain saved Britain from meltdown. He was a very unpopular man as PM but I believe history will treat him kindly.

  16. An Open Letter To the Honorable Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman John Boehner.

    Re: Repeal and Replace

    As a patriotic American, I want to applaud and encourage your efforts to improve our healthcare system with sensible conservative solutions. I happen to have a self-employed brother who is a diabetic and is losing his eyesight due to a progressive degenerative condition. While his quarterly insurance payments have gone from under $500 a quarter to over $2500 per quarter over the past decade and his out of pocket co-payments etc run him another $5- 6000 annually, that us not why I am writing you.

    My spouse has Crohn’s Disease which (if you know anything about the progression of same) will end up requiring a surgical procedure to bag her waste rather than just dump it directly into the municipal water supply. She receives a bi-monthly infusion that used to cost $10K a dose, but unlike most drugs has come down in price and now only cost around $4 K six times a year… but that is not why I am writing you.

    As you Repeal and Replace the current healthcare reform with your sensible, conservative solutions, I want to make sure that you include coverage for a long overlooked condition that a majority of my fellow citizens in your party and in the Tea Party movement certainly suffer from. It causes a severe oxygen deficiency resulting in erratic and irrational behavior, great anxiety, fear mongering behavior, an inability to recognize rational thought, the complete acceptance of fallacious ideas and comments, promotion of thoughts and advocacy of candidates who have little substance and who care only for the smallest percentage of the population, with no concern for the planet they live on or how their behaviors affect anything else.

    I am writing because I have another brother, and two brothers-in-law, who each have chronic cases of this condition. It is imperative that coverage be included in any replacement legislation you bring forward to benefit the American people who suffer from this condition. The remedy is simple, inexpensive and can be performed by veterinarians or gastroenterologists. It is called Cranial Rectal Extraction.

    When I think of the relief you can bring to these citizens, the improvement in family relationships, the reduction of domestic violence, the elevation in civil discourse and the restoration of true bipartisanship that will result from your efforts and all it will bring to America….well it make me proud. As Vice President Biden said, “This is a big fucking deal!” And to think the GOP could actually be a part of a solution that makes America better. Once this replacement legislation passes, the majority of Americans (and indeed most of the world) will welcome hearing the “giant sucking sound” that will resonate around the world.

    A better America! An appreciative population… Repeal and Replace! Include FREE, MANDATORY Cranial Rectal Extractions for any registered Republican or Tea Party member in the GOP Healthcare Reform Package.

    Thank you.

    Tom Lonnquist

  17. Kelowna, Feb. 19,10

    Dear Editor, would you be interested in publishing this letter?
    Open letter to Bill Gates.

    Dear Bill Gates, recently the prominent scientist Stephen Hawking warned humanity that “we’re acting with reckless indifference to our future on Planet Earth.”
    Your dream in cutting CO2 to zero by 2040 is praiseworthy, but much more than that needs to be done to save our planet, and it’s just not happening. Since several attempts to contact you previously have failed, I’m trying with this open letter to reach you, as it is urgent, since Stephen Hawking also said earlier “the Doomsday Clock advanced to five minutes to midnight.”
    I’ve been orbiting (involuntary J) the sun since 1935 and researched the causes of our problems, and if there are possible solutions, for as long as you’ve been alive.
    I invite you to look through ‘my telescope’, as I am, until proven otherwise, a modern day Galileo, ignored and maybe silently ridiculed. You’ll find some of my thoughts on the Internet, but these are only appetizers.
    Should you decline to meet me privately, I then ask you to a public debate where, should you be the looser, you will spend three hundred thousand dollars, to a project that is needed to allow other people to look through my telescope. I do not want your money. Personally, I know nothing; I’m just stepping on the shoulders of giants and consolidate their genius.
    However, to be fair, should I loose this debate, my loss will be one dollar, as this is about the relative worth between us.
    You know Bill, we have much to learn. I heartily embrace the humble and honest admission by the late physicist John Wheeler “we do not know the first thing about the universe, about ourselves, and about our place in the universe.”
    Gunther Ostermann
    Kelowna, BC. 250 765 8726 gco@shaw.ca

  18. I thought news was supposed to be impartial to political partisanship. It sounds like you guys missed that class in journalism school. Your paper constantly bashes the right and is nothing more than left wing propaganda. Heaven forbid theres another side to an argument. If this nation had it your way we would be bankrupt as a country, taxed till we’re individually poor with no accountability, have all profitable services outsourced because we wouldn’t want someone to turn a profit, rely on mother government because we’re too incompetent to take care of ourselves, give our core freedoms, life, liberty and the persuit of happiness over to our best intentioned government with absolutely no concern that anything like opression or Nazi Germany could every happen to us because we’re american and modern even though universalist control has happened all over the world throughout the entire course of history (have you heard of Darfur fairly recently?

    Anyway, your newspaper is pure propaganda. That word has been used alot lately, so please allow me to tell you what that means since I already know you’re not going to admit to your paper being left wing propaganda.

    Propaganda is a form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. It often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.

    Propaganda is neutrally defined as a systematic form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of specified target audiences for ideological, political or commercial purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels.

  19. Please GOTO http://www.kabulpress.org and click on ENGLISH and goto our 2nd story.
    “Remembering Daraz Khan, the First Afghan Killed by a Hellfire Missile Fired by a CIA Predator Drone.”
    The Kabul Press authorizes anyone to use the story or summarize it as long as you include a link to the website. It is an important story.
    Matthew J. Nasuti
    Former U.S. Air Force Captain and U.S. State Department Official (2008)
    Resident of Deerfield, Mass.

  20. David

    None of those links seem to go anywhere. And we’re having trouble understanding exactly what you’re getting at.

    That said, it appears to be a slam against the existing system of veterans compensation. We’re inclined to believe the critics, and take a pass on the official version.

    Check back in, willya?

  21. A trust betrayed?

    The Chief Judge of Congress’s Court of Veterans Appeals stated that the, “Constitution, Statutes and Regulations” are “policy freely ignored” by both “The Veterans Health Administration” and the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), i.e., the “STATE OF COURT” transcript PARAGRAPH 9 with the U.S. CODE, TITLE 38, SECTIONS (§) 511 and § 7252. Decisions of the Secretary; finality. This is a no teeth Congressional LEGISLATIVE vs an independent from Congress and the DVA, Judicial Branch Court. The DVA Health Care laymen, “initial adjudicators” still are not held responsible for their “freely ignored” and medically ignorant “Schedule of Ratings for Disabilities” decisions. Just one example is this veterans to date “initial adjudicators” ignored “MPerR PERMANENT” “SURGEON HQ ARRC JUN 25 ‘58 MEDICALLY DISQUALIFIED FOR MILITARY SERVICE”! Six (6) months later an “Honorable Discharge” with “Recommended for reenlistment – Yes”. A betrayal reconfirmed by the “initial adjudicators” 27 June 1996 medically unqualified and misleading no “competent medical evidence” overturning of USAF, HMO and DVA physician decisions!

    It is now 15 years later without the Chief Judge’s advised Congressional oversight and accountability. Please hold your U.S. House and Senate members accountable for Congress’s perverted Veteran Care.

    The complete 16 paragraph “STATE OF COURT” transcript is available on request. Previously at, and now missing from the Chief Judges and state_of_court sites: http://www.goodnet.com/~heads/nebeker and http://www.firebase.net/state_of_court_brief.htm







    OCTOBER 17-18, 1994

    {as it appears in Veterans Appeals Reporter}”

    ——————–PARAGRAPH 9 of 16 in “STATE OF COURT” TRANSCRIPT records DVA laymen ignoring medical opinion without veteran recourse.—————————–

    “I believe my message is clear. There is, I suggest, no system with judicial review which has within it a component part free to function in its own way, in its own time and with one message to those it disappoints — take an appeal. That is, I am afraid, what we have today in many of the Department’s Agencies of Original Jurisdiction — that is AOJs — around the country. Neither the Court, through the Board, the Board, nor the General Counsel has direct and meaningful control over the Agencies of Original Jurisdiction. Indeed, it is also clear that the VHA — the Veterans Health Administration — ignores specific directives to provide medical opinions as directed. And this is resulting in unconscionable delays. Let us examine judicial review. Remember, the Court and the Board do not make policy, the Secretary and Congress do. The Court simply identifies error made below by a failure to adhere, in individual cases, to the Constitution, statutes, and regulations which themselves reflect policy — policy freely ignored by many initial adjudicators whose attitude is, “I haven’t been told by my boss to change. If you don’t like it — appeal it.” (Emphasis added)

    The top medically ignorant “boss” is Congress’s confirmed “Secretary” of the DVA.

    AND THE CONGRESS’S “policy freely ignored” UNITED STATES CODE law of the land Health Care take away from Veterans:

    § 511. Decisions of the Secretary; finality


    “(a) The Secretary shall decide all questions of law and fact necessary to a decision by the Secretary under a law that affects the provision of benefits by the Secretary to veterans or the dependents or survivors of veterans. Subject to subsection (b), THE DECISION OF THE SECRETARY AS TO ANY SUCH QUESTION SHALL BE FINAL AND CONCLUSIVE AND MAY NOT BE REVIEWED BY ANY OTHER OFFICIAL OR BY ANY COURT, whether by an action in the nature of mandamus or otherwise.” (Emphasis added)

    THEREFORE, NO COURT REVIEW OF THE MEDICALLY UNTRAINED laymen “initial adjudicators” “schedule of ratings for disabilities” decisions as proven by:


    § 7252. Jurisdiction; finality of decisions

    “(b) Review in the Court shall be on the record of proceedings before the Secretary and the Board. The extent of the review shall be limited to the scope provided in section 7261 of this title. THE COURT MAY NOT REVIEW THE SCHEDULE OF RATINGS FOR DISABILITIES adopted under section 1155 of this title or any action of the Secretary in adopting or revising that schedule.” (Emphasis added.)

  22. I recently finished research on The Master’s Apron, one of Robert Burns’ most famous masonic poems. Turns out it was written by an New Hampshire statesman, almost a century after the death of the Scottish poet. The story ran in the Sunday Times back in the UK and various county papers. I’ve been advised to inform the press in the States simply because the poem now belongs to the USA. Let me know if it’s newsworthy. If you need any info just email.



  23. U.S. Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor Invite’s the public to Armed Forces Day Open House at
    25 Wentworth Road New Castle, NH
    SATURDAY MAY 16 2009 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

    This is an educational experience that will be of interest to all members of the family.
    Tour the rescue boats and see where the U.S Coast Guard receives distress calls, and how they deploy the rescue boats for Search and Rescue, when a vessel is in distress on the ocean.
    Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor will also have an exhibit demonstrating Search and Rescue equipment.
    NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will be staffing an exhibit about our local whale populations and distributing materials about marine mammal protection and safe whale watching practices and regulations
    Experience how to identify Aids to Navigation and how they are maintained.
    Learn about Marine Radios and how to operate them.
    Auxiliary Public Education programs will be available, including materials for safe boating. Fined opportunities in the Coast Guard Auxiliary and how you can be involved in Homeland Security as a civilian.
    The Auxiliaries operational role on the water will be explained.
    For further information, go to our website http://www.uscgauxnh.org
    The Coast Guard Auxiliary will explain the Marine Safety Operation mission for the U.S. Coast Guard and how the Coast Guard Auxiliary protects the environment and port security.
    Observe a demonstration and discussion of various types of boat fires and the various types of fire extinguishers used to extinguish them. This information would also be useful at home.

    Know how and where to have a vessel or paddle craft safety check performed and what required equipment is needed for your boat. Learn how and where you can have your boat inspected to receive the U.S. Coast Guard inspection sticker.
    Due to increased recreational use, and the increase of accidents and fatalities in the use of paddle craft, safety checks are now given to paddle craft .Learn about safety tips and equipment needed for safe canoeing or kayaking. Remember, even the most experienced boaters fall victim to boating accidents, always wear your life jacket.
    The Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary will explain how to patch and repair boat leaks at sea.

    There will be a demonstration of a high speed pump used to pump water from sinking vessel.

    Knot Tying will be demonstrated and you will have an opportunity to try your hand at the nautical skill of knot tying for boaters and land lubbers.

    Kids and adults check out your line throwing skills by hitting the target.

    Meet Coast Guard Artist, Chris Demarest, and see his exhibit of paintings and drawings he has been commissioned to do for the Coast Guard
    End your tour by enjoying a family picnic at the Historic Fort Constitution adjacent to the Coast Guard Station.

    Submitted by:
    Robert C Gaudet FSO/PA Flotilla Staff Officer/ Public Affairs
    U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary U.S. Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor
    Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor and the Coast Guard Auxiliary invite you to cover this event.

  24. To The New Hampshire Gazette,

    Dear Steve,

    I want to clear the air with all the New Hampshire Newspapers. I was a candidate for president, I am a candidate for president, and, as a candidate for president, I have been to New Hampshire many times.

    The last time was October 15, 2007, in Secretary William Gardner’s Office, where I declared I was a write-in candidate seeking the nomination of both parties, so to present a united face to the world. Every thing that happened in the Secretary’s office is on the web, at http://www.youtube.com/poetprophet.

    You need to have a look at that, after you revisit what Channel 9 played for its viewership.

    Channel 9 took my comments and chopped them up to appear I was mocking my religion. Channel 9 was mocking my religion, with malice. It wasn’t news. It was a fascist confusion of reality. The person who did the editing has close family that works in the pentagon. Isn’t that interesting?

    Relative to the “publicity seeker” Channel 9, gave a full minute to, a few months ago, Secretary Gardner was in Florida. We got together and had breakfast, and Bill told me the fellow had been arrested later that day, and kept getting in trouble, in jail, and was still in jail.

    Did even one newspaper in the state point out the TV station’s obvious anti-Semitic prejudice?

    Before we get to the 700 word essay I am hereby submitting for publication to your newspaper there is another matter. As I see it, our politics in America needs renewal. I have been a registered republican my whole life, but, like so many others, have never felt comfortable with the party’s leadership or ideas.

    My plan, in the event it should unfold in New Hampshire, will generate 250 million fresh tourist dollars spent in the state of New hampshire. I posted the following online at The Daily Beast yesterday:

    “We need a new politics, a new Independent Party, its platform hammered out by all who join, a giant convention with 200 thousand delegates paying a $200 delegate fee (which adds up to 40 million dollars) to run as a four day open air Woodstockian convention where we advance write, and then ratify our platform all day long and have delegate’s entertainment every night – Metallica, Bruce Springsteen, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Tina Turner every group you can imagine who believes in peace and freedom will gladly perform every night for the delegates as 40 million dollars in delegate fees can cover their expense.

    We will also have the DVD rights, with HBO paying to play all the music live every night, and C-SPAN all day, and besides HBO, a giant pay per view for an additional 20-30 million dollars we can divide amongst the 435 candidates we are going to put up to run for every seat in the House of Representatives, and every open Senate seat, too!

    The 435 candidates for the House can hold their first press conference at each individual PBS station where they will all be applying for studio time to give a live speech on behalf of their candidacies without a tele-prompter.

    That is my plan. I have had this idea for a long time. I can take it to another state. I don’t have to offer this to your state, but I’d like to because New Hampshire is the perfect place. I will see what all the newspapers in the state do with my 700 word article on saving our automobile industry.

    What follows is the same basic letter I sent yesterday to newspapers in the state of Michigan.

    To the editor

    The following is an op-ed for The New Hampshire Gazette. I’d like to negotiate a series of commentary pieces for a reasonable amount of money with every independent newspaper in the country, say $10 per acceptable article per paper. Regardless, let The National Car-Lotto essay be an essay you publish!

    In 1980 I was a write-in candidate for president. At that time our domestic automobile industry was being eaten alive by foreign producers. The Japanese were exporting fuel efficient cars by the boatload.

    This was my program that I talked about in that 1980 election. I also did a couple of 90 minute cable-casts as a candidate – um – then coincidently, after 1980, but before 1986, the FCC pulled cable out of the access law making it impossible for anyone to run for high office without millions of dollars.

    We need to change that policy so your children can seek high office without compromising their integrity. I’d love the opportunity to come up with an innovative 700 word approach as to how we accomplish that.

    The following is my letter to the editor essay for op-ed publication. You can run with it, edit it, whatever you want to do. I’d like it to be the first of a series. You might fax it over to a car dealership that places ads in your paper, and ask their opinion – should you push the idea with a complimentary editorial?

    The National Car-Lotto

    I want the car czar job. I like the rhyme. Here is my plan regardless of bankruptcy and bailout – to rejuvenate our American automobile industry without government intervention.

    As car czar I will organize a national car-lotto raffle, with tickets sold nationwide wherever lotto tickets are sold. Car-lotto raffle tickets will go for one dollar. A winning ticket gets the GM or Chrysler of your choice, with taxes, tag, dealer fees and extended warranty included.

    Income tax liability will be forgiven until such time as you sell or trade the car. Our goal, with an advertising blizzard on radio, and TV, is 30,000 yet to be built cars raffled every week, as soon as we clear the cars currently in stock on the lots!

    The lotto-raffle winner goes to their favorite dealership. The sales commission on the sticker price is divided amongst the sales force so every buddy benefits. In this manner, the future of America’s car companies is in the hands of we, the people, not Washington, DC bureaucrats.

    The Sebring convertible is the sharpest convertible in USA. Were it announced that Chrysler was finished and the last ten thousand Sebring Convertibles were being sold via raffle ticket, every ticket would be gone in an hour!

    Cable TV’s blabberific squawking heads don’t get it.

    Facing the demise of General Motors and Chrysler, millions of people would purchase a car-lotto raffle ticket every week to win their favorite car. Upon winning you visit the dealership with your winning ticket in hand and order exactly the car and color you want.

    I hold millions of people who can’t afford to purchase a new car but can afford to operate a car would purchase car-lotto raffle tickets every week. All of the millions of people who purchase scratch offs and lotto tickets would certainly earmark a dollar or two each week for a car-lotto raffle ticket as the odds of winning a brand new state of the art car are so much better then winning a lotto!

    GM would have one million Volts pre-sold before their first car rolled off the line. We should include the all-electric Silicon Valley Tesla, too, for a two dollar ticket. Instead of Obama’s bureaucrats deciding which companies survive in the shrinking world e con oh me, we, the people would be the deciders on what cars we drive.

    My car-lotto national raffle program will pre-sell 30,000 new American made cars every week, the money on hold, after all the inventory on all the lots is rolled. Each and every car will be loaded with the latest state of the art features, too. The beauty in this: so many of the car-lotto winners will be people who drive but are not in the market to purchase a new car, much as they’d love to have one.

    Those people who are planning on a new car, in spite of today’s e con oh me, aren’t going to hold off until they win one in the car-lotto. They will simply go around to the dealerships and negotiate their best deal. In a troubled world market, our auto industry will survive from the good faith of the car-lotto raffle ticket purchasing American public.

    Here is our president, Barky ‘Good Wrench’ Obama, on TV Monday, March 30, barking his approach to killing off GM and Chrysler. I paraphrase President Obama:

    “Its time we make the automobile industry dependent on the unending flow of American raffle dollars.”

    So why don’t we move on this and give our car industry a chance to renegotiate fresh rolls in a permanently altered world e con oh me? I want to be industry appointed, the car czar guy on the TV ads exhorting everyone to purchase their car-lotto raffle ticket, and make the talk show rounds, pushing our new car for a dollar raffle.

    The only hinderance to the above is it is my idea and I am a candidate for president. Once you get past that minor detail you have a winning program. One million jobs will be saved from this. Our whole economy nationwide will benefit.

    Michael S. Levinson
    8601 9th St N. #9
    St Petersburg, Fl 33702


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