Sun, Jan 23

2016—“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” says the Republican nominee in Sioux City, Iowa. 1986—After getting an FOIA request from the son of the Agency’s former station chief in Mexico City, the CIA destroys audio tape of Lee Harvey Oswald talking on the phone to the Soviet Embassy there. 1986—In a mixup, half a ton of uranium is pumped into the sea at Windscale, England. 1973—R. Nixon claims his “peace with honor” deal with Ho doesn’t betray allies, abandon prisoners, or let the war go on. It does all three. 1968—North Korea seizes the …

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Sat, Jan 22

2008—The Center for Public Integrity documents 935 instances of “orchestrated deception” leading up to the Iraq War by President George W.[MD] Bush and seven top officials. 1997—Lottie Williams, walking in a Tulsa park, is hit on the shoulder by a small falling chunk of a Delta rocket. 1987—Pennsylvania Treasurer Budd Dwyer, charged with fraud, blows his brains out on live TV. 1973—The Supreme Court issues its Roe v. Wade decision. 1959—Illegally ordered to dig coal from under the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania with nothing to gauge their clearance, twelve miners drown when the river breaks through. 1958—The FBI, developing a program to read Americans’ mail, …

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Fri, Jan 21

2001—With George W.[MD] Bush duly sworn in, Paul Wolfowitz, Ahmad Chalaby, Doug Feith and other neocons meet at Richard Perle’s home to discuss regime change in Iraq. 2001—Ignoring the jeers of 20,000 demonstrators, the New York Times “reports” George W.[MD] Bush may usher in a “new era of…social justice.” 1997—Newt Gingrich becomes the first Speaker of the House to be disciplined for unethical behavior. 1996—Bill and Monica enjoy their fifth illicit encounter. 1981—National Security Advisor Dick Allen does Nancy Reagan a favor, intercepting gifts from a Japanese reporter the law prohibits her from accepting. She repays the favor by exploiting that act to get Allen …

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Thurs, Jan 20

2017—After D.J. Trump gives his “American Carnage” speech, George W.[MD] Bush says to Hillary Clinton, “Well, that was some weird shit.” 2009—“If I ever run for President,” says Donald Trump, “please shoot me.” 2009—The GOP’s top Members of Congress gather to plot against the newly-inaugurated President. 2009—Swearing in President Obama off the top of his head, Chief Justice John Roberts blows his lines. 2005—J.P. Morgan Chase admits two banks it swallowed had taken enslaved people as collateral years before. 1981—As per arrangement with the GOP, Iran releases 52 U.S. hostages. 1981—Awakened at 9:00 a.m. and reminded that he’ll soon be inaugurated, Ronald Reagan asks, “Does …

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Wed, Jan 19

2004—Weeks after telling Chris Matthews, “we’re going to break up the giant media enterprises,” Howard Dean addresses a screaming crowd in Iowa. Video techs create a clip using sound from his mike only, which makes him sound unhinged. It is aired 633 times over the next four days. 2001—On his last full day in office, Bill Clinton admits he perjured himself when he denied having sex with “that woman,” Monica Lewinsky. 1996—Hollywood producer Don Simpson [Crimson Tide], 52, succumbs to his $2,000/day drug habit. 1989—Frank F. Fowle III, an actor whose favorite Iliad line was “Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle,” …

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Tues, Jan 18

2018—So-called President Donnie Trump tells the Pentagon he wants a parade just like Emmanuel Macron’s. 1990—Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry is busted in a drug sting. 1983— Taking time out from dissing gays in the Dartmouth Review, Laura Ingraham pleads nolo to shoplifting. 1969—Peace talks begin in Paris between U.S. and Vietnam. 1968—At the White House, Eartha Kitt has the gall to speak her mind about the Vietnam War. Her career begins to recover a decade later. 1943—The Red Army breaks the 890-day Nazi siege of Leningrad. 1911—In San Francisco Bay, Eugene B. Ely becomes the first man to land a plane on a ship. …

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