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Sat, Feb 11

2014—An FEC report confirms what his mom and sis said: U.S. Rep. Frank Guinta lied, that $355,000 wasn’t his. 2013—Bad news today from KRTV in Great Falls, Mont.: “the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking the living.” 2006—Dick “Dick” Cheney becomes the second sitting Vice President to shoot a man when he “peppers” his pal Harry Whittington in the face. 1992—“I’d like to thank my family for loving me and taking care of me,” says Johnny Frank Garrett (IQ under 70), as Texas prepares to poison him, “and the rest of the world can kiss my ass.” 1990—Nelson Mandela is …

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Fri, Feb 10

2020—“You know, a lot of people think [Covid-19] goes away in April with the heat,” predicts Dolt #45. 2014—Donald J. Trump tells Fox “News,” “When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell, and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be, when we were great.” 2010—Innovative tax protestor Joe Stack flies a fuel-laden Piper into the IRS Field Office in Austin, Texas, killing another person, injuring 13, and causing damage in the millions. 2003—The G.W.[MD] Bush Administration touts plastic sheeting and duct tape as a first line of defense. 1968—General Westmoreland, U.S. commander …

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Thurs, Feb 9

2007—A Pentagon report concludes that Douglas Feith’s policy office inappropriately manipulated intelligence on Iraq. Punished? Hell, no. 2001—The USS Greeneville, demonstrating an emergency ballast-blowing maneuver to 16 “Distinguished Visitors,” half with Texas oil and Bush connections, sinks a Japanese high-school fishery training ship off Hawaii, killing five adult crew and four high-school students. 1982—George Herbert [Hoover] Walker Bush denies ever having used the term “voodoo economics.” NBC then plays him the tape. 1980—Ted Bundy gets married and is sentenced to die. In Florida, of course. 1971—Satchel Paige becomes the first Negro League player inducted into the Hall of Fame. 1967—NYC cops bust cellist Charlotte Moorman …

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Wed, Feb 8

2020—Given a choice between a second term for Trump or “a giant meteor [striking] the earth, extinguishing all human life,” a poll says 62% of N.H. Democrats would prefer the meteor. 2015—Another two feet of snow fall on Portsmouth. It’s five feet deep now. 1996—The Telecommunications Act gives corporations airwaves worth $70 billion, eliminates ownership limits, deregulates cable rates, and protects licenses against citizen complaints. 1971—ARVN invades Laos in Operation Lam Son 719: a chaotic disaster. 1968—State Troopers fire on Black protestors in Orangeburg, S.C., killing three and wounding 27. 1946—For taking down a sign about Jim Crow laws in a Bessemer, Ala. bus, honorably …

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Tues, Feb 7

2020—Li Wenliang, a Chinese doctor reprimanded for warning of a new SARS virus, dies of Covid-19. 2013—Mississippi abolishes slavery. 1998—GOP-run Congress names Washington National after the guy who fired all our air traffic controllers. 1991—IRA mortars 10 Downing St. 1968—“It became necessary to destroy [the Vietnamese village of Ben Tre] in order to save it,” an American major tells reporter Peter Arnett. 1965—VC attack Camp Holloway near Pleiku killing 9 Americans and wounding 137. The U.S. responds by bombing North Vietnam. 1951—In Korea, Capt. Lewis Millett leads the U.S.’s most recent bayonet charge. This anachronistic victory earns him the Medal of Honor. 1950—Ex-Emperor Bao Dai …

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Mon, Feb 6

2020—It’s 65° Fahrenheit at the Esperanza Base, in Antarctica. 2013—In Seabrook, N.H., Phantom Fireworks sells Tamerlan Tsarnaev 1.5 lbs. of black powder and gives him another 1.5 pounds for free. 1971—Derry, New Hampshire’s favorite son Alan Shepard uses a nine iron to whack a golf ball on the moon. 1968—NVA troops in Soviet tanks overrun Lang Vei; 21 of 24 Green Berets are KIA, WIA, or captured. 1951—Trespassing at Argonne National Laboratory, blowhard Paul Harvey claims it was inadvertant. A script found in his car proves he’s lying. 1919—Seattle union leaders get a telegram intended for shipyard owners: “no raises.” A General Strike results. Workers …

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