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Sat, Mar 4

2001—Fox broadcasts a “Lone Gunman” show in which U.S. agents remotely hijack an airliner and try to crash it into the World Trade Center. 1987—Ronald Reagan admits trading arms to Iran for hostages. 1964—FBI agents stake out Frank Wilkinson’s home in Los Angeles; they expect the activist to be assassinated but do not warn him. 1960—La Coubre, a French munitions ship, explodes in Havana harbor. Between 75 and 100 people die. CIA involvement is “suspected.” 1937—The UAW wins a sit-down strike in Flint, Mich. 1933—“We have nothing to fear,” says FDR, “but fear itself.” 1929—Oscar Stanton de Priest [R-Ill.] becomes the first African-American to take …

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Fri, Mar 3

2016—Dolt #45 asserts on live TV that his genitalia are adequate. 1991—LAPD cops savagely beat Rodney King—on tape, it turns out. 1981—Burlington, Vt. elects a new mayor: Socialist Bernie Sanders. 1969—An under-manned company of the 4th Division is sent after a crack NVA battalion west of Kontum; result: 47 percent end up KIA or MIA. 1934—John Dillinger busts out of the Crown Point, Ind. jail with a hand-carved wooden pistol and drives off in the sheriff’s new V-8 Ford. 1931—In Laredo, Texas, 17-year old Harlon Carter murders Ramón Casiano, 15, with a shotgun. Sentenced to three years, Carter does two; 46 years later he takes …

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Thurs, Mar 2

2004—UN weapons inspectors report that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD after all. Oops. 1991—At Ramaila, Iraq, under future-MSNBC military analyst Barry McCaffrey, the U.S. 24th Infantry Division kills about ten percent of the 7,000-man 1st Hammurabi Armored Division, two days after the Gulf War cease-fire. 1965—The U.S. begins a bombing campaign over North Vietnam, under the brand name Rolling Thunder.™ 1955—The Screen Actors Guild votes to expel any member who takes the Fifth to avoid self-incrimination. 1942—U.S. Army Lieut. Gen. John DeWitt tells all Japanese-Americans to move away from the West Coast, voluntarily, for their own good. 1877—The Electoral Commission, to which Congress had …

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Portsmouth Resident Plotted Nord Stream Sabotage, says Hersh

A Little Harbor homeowner plotted last September’s bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, according to investigative reporter Seymour Hersh.* Jake Sullivan, 46, has been President Biden’s National Security Advisor since January, 2021. The 28th person to hold that position, his predecessors include John Bolton, a Vietnam War chickenhawk; Michael Flynn, a QAnon follower and admitted perjurer, later pardoned by a seditionist; and Henry Kissinger, a nonagenarian war criminal. Hersh—who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 for his work exposing the My Lai massacre—wrote, in a piece published online February 8th, “In December of 2021, two months before the first Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, …

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Wed, Mar 1

1991—“By God,” President George Herbert [Hoover] Walker Bush tells Koch-heads, “we’ve kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all.” 1985—President Reagan insults the Founding Fathers, saying the Contras are their “moral  equivalent.” 1978—The late Charlie Chaplin’s tomb is raided by corpse-nappers. 1973—Kissinger tells Nixon, “…if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern.” Nixon replies, “I know.” 1971—The Weather Underground bombs the U.S. Capitol. 1954—The “Justice” Department agrees to let the CIA decide which of its crimes should be prosecuted. 1954—H-bomb test Castle Bravo delivers thrice its expected yield at Bikini Atoll. Unanticipated winds spread millions of …

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Tues, Feb 28

2003—An ex-gay male escort begins attending White House press briefings with an official pass issued to him under the pseudonym “Jeff Gannon.” 1997—That blue dress gets soiled. 1993—The ATF tries to serve a warrant on a religious community in Waco. It does not go well. 1986—Ronald Reagan calls reporters “sons-of-bitches” for asking questions during a photo-op; press aide Larry Speakes explains he really said, “It’s sunny and you’re rich.” 1958—In New York, a first batch of 27 people die after drinking “King Kong” moonshine. 1947—Hooligans in Taiwan riot over routine government corruption. Koumintang troops—brave anti-Communists—justly massacre thousands. 1933­—On Hitler’s say-so, Hindenberg sets the pattern, curtailing …

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