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Sat, July 1

2020—“I think we are going to be very good with the coronavirus,” says the Oaf in the Oval, “at some point, that’s going to sort of just disappear.” 1981—Irish Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich descends in a helicopter for a mass on London’s Clapham Common, bearing the head of Oliver Plunkett. 1973—The U.S. military draft ends. The ranks will henceforth be replenished by economic coercion. 1968—A DC-8 carrying 214 U.S. soldiers to Vietnam strays into Soviet airspace and lands in the USSR. 1956—On TV, Elvis sings “Hound Dog” to a basset hound in formal wear. 1942—Sturgeon torpedoes Montevideo Maru, unaware Aussie POWs are aboard; more than …

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Fri, June 30

2014—The Supreme Court rules in Hobby Lobby that people who are corporations have religious rights, too. 2003—The Army Times reports that the Bush administration wants to cut combat and family-separation pay for troops in combat zones. 1984—GOP Chairman Frank Fahrenkopf proposes adding Ronald Reagan’s face to Mt. Rushmore. 1982—With help from Ollie North, FEMA promulgates Rex 84, a plan to suspend the Constitution and put dissidents in concentration camps. 1980—The Supreme Court rules that a woman’s right to a federally-funded abortion is nullified by the religious beliefs of complete strangers. 1973—Dwight E. Stone, a Black, 24 year-old plumber’s assistant from Sacramento,under indictment for failure to …

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Thurs, June 29

2016—The 477-foot tanker Chem Venus runs aground off Goat Island, damaging itself and three boats at the Kittery Point Yacht Club. 2006—“It was not always certain,” says President George W.[MD] Bush, “that the U.S. and America would have a close relationship.” 1989—The Washington Times reports that high officials in the Reagan & Bush I administrations are under investigation for involvement in a homosexual prostitution ring. Quickly and conveniently, the story evaporates. 1987—“We don’t care,” declares Attorney General Ed “Meese is a Pig” Meese, “about the political or ideological allegiances of a prospective judge.” His audience bursts out laughing. 1966—U.S. planes begin bombing Hanoi and Haiphong …

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Wed, June 28

2018—A Trump supporter with a grudge and a shotgun kills five in the Capital Gazette newsroom. 2009—Stephen Hawking throws a party for time travelers. No one shows. 2005—Operation Red Wings goes sideways: 19 U.S. special operators die in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley, including Daniel R. Healy of Exeter, N.H. It’s the greatest single loss for U.S. special ops since WW II. 1994—The Department of Energy admits hundreds of U.S. citizens were used as unwitting guinea pigs in radiation experiments during the Cold War. 1975—Rod Serling enters another dimension…. 1972—Nixon says no new draftees will be sent to Vietnam, further eroding an anti-war movement already weakened by …

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Tues, Jun 27

2018—Donald Trump’s banker’s father announces he’s creating a vacancy on the Supreme Court by retiring. 2015—Ten days after the Charleston Massacre, Bree Newsom scales a pole at the South Carolina State House and removes the Confederate battle flag. 2006—Pinkos in the Senate block a Flag Protection Amendment.® 2003—The “Do Not Call” list signs up 735,000 people on Day One. 2000—“Until I’m the President,” says George W.[MD] Bush, “it’s going to be hard for me to verify that I think I’ll be more effective.” 1995—Days after Rep. John Boehner [R-Ohio] hands out checks from tobacco lobbyists on the floor of the House, a key committee votes …

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Mon, June 26

2015—The Supreme Court puts an end to marriage discrimination. 2013—Byron Low Tax Looper [his legal name], imprisoned for murdering his political opponent, dies at 48 of a heart attack, hours after assaulting a pregnant prison guard. 2006—As Rush Limbaugh returns from the Dominican Republic—a sex-tourism mecca—customs officers confiscate his illicit stash of Viagra. 2002—A Federal court edits “under God” out of the Pledge of Allegiance. 1995—EPA workers dismantle David Hahn’s homemade backyard nuclear reactor. The Michigander is 17. 1976—Gov. Kit Bond rescinds a predecessor’s “Extermination Order” banning Mormons from Missouri. 1954—Bao Dai, the feckless puppet Emperor of South Vietnam, appoints Ngo Dinh Diem as premier. …

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