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Wed, July 5

2009—Terry Herbert finds a spectacular hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold ornaments on Fred Johnson’s farm in the West Midlands. It makes both men rich—and bitter enemies. 1984—The Miami Herald exposes Rex 84, a gummint plan to jail thousands of citizens if they get too unruly. 1968—Congress tramples on the First Amendment while falsely claiming it’s somehow “protecting” the flag. 1968—Khe Sanh, where 737 Marines died in 78-day siege, is abandoned. 1950—Ill-trained, poorly equipped, and outnumbered, Task Force Smith is decimated by North Koreans at Osan. Gen. “Dugout Doug” MacArthur blames the troops for his loss. 1937—Leaving Berlin, IBM President Tom Watson thanks Adolf Hitler for a …

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Dispatch From the Ewing Zone

To the Editor: On Tuesday, June 13, 2023, evidence was presented that Vice-President Biden accepted a $5 million bribe for influencing our nation’s foreign policy. Biden apparently “earned” his money by getting a Ukrainian Prosecutor fired; Biden brags about it: https://tinyurl.com/bdzebf5u. There are apparently 17 recordings of discussions with the Bidens about the bribe. The FBI had this information before the 2020 Presidential election and withheld it from the public which, in ignorance, elected a crook who sold our nation’s foreign policy for his personal gain. Only whistleblowers and Congressional pressure on the FBI secured release of this vitally important information for U.S. Citizens and …

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Tues, July 4

1996—Hotmail turns free email loose into an unsuspecting world. 1975—Eleven years after Goldwater got the GOP nod there, the Ant Farm’s “Media Burn” crashes a customized Caddy into a wall of burning TVs at San Francisco’s Cow Palace. 1973—R. Nixon’s psychiatrist writes in the N.Y. Times that candidates ought to have their heads examined. 1970—At “Honor America” day in D.C., Billie Graham and Bob Hope preach and joke, protestors smoke pot atop a truck shoved into the Reflecting Pool, and neo-Nazis snarl and jeer. 1951—In Madison, Wisc., 99.2 percent decline to sign a petition containing excerpts from the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. …

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How For-Profit Health Care Companies Make That Profit

by Jake Johnson A pair of new stories examining the increasingly common but shadowy U.S. insurance industry practice of refusing to pay for certain treatments drew outrage Wednesday from patient advocates and Medicare for All proponents, who said the reporting further reveals the harms of for-profit healthcare. The investigative outlet ProPublica focused its attention on the “galling” secrecy around insurance companies’ claim denials, which frequently leave patients with massive medical bills and little clarity as to why their claims were rejected. “How often insurance companies say no is a closely held secret,” ProPublica’s Robin Fields reported. “There’s nowhere that a consumer or an employer can …

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Attack of the Florida Men

You don’t become the nation’s oldest newspaper by turning up your nose at technical innovations. So, when it comes to new wrinkles, we’re old hands. We also try to live up to that old yankee creed, “use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” So, to conserve scarce resources such as editorial brain power, we rely on an AI algorithm to select the topic for our Fortnightly Rant. This time around, it spit out this: “the 2024 Presidential Election.” Naturally, the first thought that sprung to mind was… Well, it wasn’t really a thought, it was more of a groan. Two …

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