Fri, Aug 18

1996—The U.S. prison population hits 1,600,000, double what it had been just 10 years earlier. 1988—Accepting the GOP nomination, George H.[H.]W. Bush solemnly vows, “Read my lips: no new taxes!” 1960—Kindly old Ike tells the CIA to assassinate Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. 1959—Sailors aboard the U.S.S. Wasp bring a severe fire under control, barely averting the need to flood the ship’s nuclear weapons storage space. 1950—A climbing party at the summit of the Matterhorn (14,692 feet) encounters a ten-month-old black and white kitten from the Hotel Belvedere, situated at 10,820 feet. 1933—Germany introduces the Volksempfänger, or Peoples’ Radio. Built to Joseph Goebbels’ specifications, it …

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Thurs, Aug 17

2008—Confederate widow Maudie Hopkins dies in Arkansas at 93. She married William M. Cantrell in 1934, when he was 86 and she was 19. 2002—U.S. Generals admit that the U.S. assisted Iraq during its war against Iran knowing that Saddam Hussein would “use chemical weapons against his own people.” 1998—“It depends,” President Clinton tells a Grand Jury, “on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” 1988—A Pakistani C-130 explodes in mid-air killing President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq. General Pervez Musharraf, also scheduled to be on-board, somehow misses the flight. 1988—J. Danforth Quayle informs the Republican National Convention, “in 1988 the question is whether we’re going forward …

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Wed, Aug 16

2017—Free State reject Chris Cantwell posts a video online which earns him the moniker, “The Crying Nazi.” 1977—Elvis allegedly dies. 1971—John Dean writes his boss, Richard Nixon, a memo on how to “use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.” 1968—Armed guards subdue—temporarily—228 rioting Marines in the brig at Danang, wounding seven. 1966—Chaos erupts as HUAC tries to hold a hearing into anti-war protestors’ alleged aid to the Viet Cong. 1956—F-89s shoot up a car and two houses, and burn 800 acres of L.A., but fail to down a rogue target drone. 1951—In France, Pont-Saint-Esprit suddenly seems to go mad. Ergot is blamed …

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Tues, Aug 15

1980—The rising popularity of skyjackings prompts the FAA to put more gun-totin’ sky marshals on airplanes. 1977—Ohio State’s “Big Ear” radio telescope records a 72-second burst suggesting there may be intelligent life…out there, somewhere. 1971—With the U.S. budget busted by the Vietnam War, Richard Nixon reneges on the gold standard. 1969—Half a million half-naked, drugged-up baby boomers begin a three-day mud wallow in Bethel, N.Y. 1966—The New York Herald Tribune, founded as the Tribune by N.H.-born Horace Greeley 125 years earlier, succumbs to a strike called by a labor union also founded by Greeley. 1953—TR’s grandson Kermit sends Iran’s Imperial Guard to arrest the Prime …

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Mon, Aug 14

2002—“I promise you I will listen to what has been said here,” says George W.[MD] Bush at the President’s Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, “even though I wasn’t here.” 1981—R. Reagan gives tax cuts to the rich and takes health care from the mentally ill; prisons become asylums. 1971—Criminal Attorney General John Mitchell announces that there will be no grand jury investigation of the May 4th shootings at Kent State. 1966—“In two or three years, or even before” says Premier of South Vietnam Nguyen Cao Ky, “the Communists will accept defeat.” 1957—Daisy and Bill Myers, who are Black, get a “warm welcome” to Levittown, Pa.—burning …

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Sun, Aug 12

2004—N.J. Gov. Jim McGreevey resigns after admitting he’s been sleeping with a man who is not his wife. 1985—A 747 with 524 on board, enroute to Osaka, crashes after the tail falls off. Many survive but, due to delays, only four are rescued alive. 1977—CBS reports that the state won’t replace a washed-out bridge in Vulcan, W. Va., so the town has asked the U.S.S.R. for foreign aid. 1958—Art Kane takes the photo known as “A Great Day in Harlem:” 57 jazz greats on a brownstone stoop. 1955—Ike raises the minimum wage from 75 cents to $1 per hour. 1953—Russia tests an H-bomb. Yup, it …

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