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Thurs, Jan 19

2004—Weeks after telling Chris Matthews, “we’re going to break up the giant media enterprises,” Howard Dean addresses a screaming crowd in Iowa. Video techs create a clip using sound from his mike only, making him sound unhinged. It will aired 633 times over the next four days. 2001—On his last full day in office, Bill Clinton admits he perjured himself when he denied having sex with “that woman,” Monica Lewinsky. 1996—Hollywood producer Don Simpson [Crimson Tide], 52, succumbs to his $2,000/day drug habit. 1989—Frank F. Fowle III, an actor whose favorite Iliad line was “Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle,” succumbs …

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Wed, Jan 18

2018—So-called President Donnie Trump tells the Pentagon he wants a parade just like Emmanuel Macron’s. 1990—Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry is busted in a drug sting. 1983—Taking time out from dissing gays in the Dartmouth Review, Laura Ingraham pleads nolo to shoplifting. 1969—Peace talks begin in Paris between U.S. and Vietnam. 1968—At the White House, Eartha Kitt has the gall to speak her mind about the Vietnam War. Her career begins to recover a decade later. 1943—The Red Army breaks the 890-day Nazi siege of Leningrad. 1911—In San Francisco Bay, Eugene B. Ely becomes the first man to land a plane on a ship. 1909—The …

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