Sat, July 27
2008—Citing Fox News’ Bernard Goldberg as inspiration, J.D. Adkisson shotguns a Knoxville church, killing two and wounding seven. 1996—Pro-life Eric Robert Rudolph bombs the Atlanta Olympics. 1974—Eleven Republicans out of 17 on the Judiciary Committee vote not to impeach Nixon for obstruction. 1957—Jimmy Wilson, who’s Black, is sentenced to death in Alabama for stealing $1.95 from a white woman. 1954—Mercenaries overthrow the government of Guatemala at the behest of the CIA. Genocide ensues. 1946—Hollywood Reporter owner Billy Wilkerson, uncertain whether to name ten suspected Communists, consults Father Cornelius J. McCoy. He replies, “Get those bastards, Billy.” 1919—After a Black man is killed at a segregated …