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Sat, Oct 5

2017—The Senate confirms Steve King—who, in 1972, on ex-AG John Mitchell’s orders, restrained his wife Martha Mitchell as she was forcibly injected with tranquilizers to keep her from talking to the press—as Ambassador to the Czech Republic. 2010—“Fox and Friends” reports that Los Angeles has bought $1 billion worth of jet packs for its Police and Fire Departments. They cribbed the story from the Weekly World News. 2003—Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard learn the hard way that their supposed “friends”—Alaskan grizzly bears—are not vegetarians. 2002—George W.[MD] Bush tells N.H. Guardsmen that Saddam could inflict “massive and sudden horror” on the U.S. It’s not true. 2001—Robert …

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Fri, Oct 4

2017—America learns the hard way it has 800 troops in Niger: four Green Berets are killed in an ambush. 2004—SpaceShipOne, Burt Rutan’s tourist rocket, makes it to space a second time, winning the Ansari X Prize. 2002—Knight-Ridder: “The White House and the Pentagon…are pressuring intelligence analysts to highlight information that supports Bush’s Iraq policy.” One paper runs the story. 2001—George W.[MD] Bush orders the NSA to spy on Americans without getting warrants, i.e., illegally. 1986—Dan Rather is attacked on the streets of New York by two men yelling, “What’s the frequency, Ken?” 1971—Pres. Nguyen Van Thieu, unopposed, is reelected. He says it’s “an achievement for …

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Thurs, Oct 3

2009—Combat Outpost Keating, in Nuristan, badly-sited and scheduled for abandonment, is mostly overrun by Taliban fighters who capture weapons and ammunition, leaving eight Americans dead and 27 wounded. 2006—Republicans in Congress try to “roll over” $20 million set aside for a celebration of victory in Iraq. 2003—National Enquirer: Rush Limbaugh is under investigation for illegally procuring prescription opioids. 1993—Berlin, N.H. native Michael Durant’s helicopter is one of two shot down in the First Battle of Mogadishu. Durant, played by Ron Eldard in Black Hawk Down, survives. 1986—Missile sub K-219 catches fire. Soviets blame an alleged collision with USS Augusta. The Pentagon blames sloppy Commie  work  …

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Wed, Oct 2

2003—Survey chief David Kay reports that his three-month, $300 million search for Saddam Hussein’s WMD has turned up squat. 2002—George W.[MD] Bush calls Iraq “a threat of unique urgency,” because of its WMDs. 1990—Three Texans in a Cessna come within 30 feet of clearing Mt. Washington. Their bodies are brought down on the Cog Railway. 1980—Senior members of the Reagan campaign team meet in D.C. with a representative of the Ayatollah, who offers to release U.S. hostages. 1980—Michael Myers (D-Pa.) becomes the first Rep. expelled in 120 years, for bribe-taking and conspiracy. Why only him? Who knows. 1978—With the Yankees and Red Sox tied for …

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Tues, Oct 1

2013—In the name of fiscal discipline, Republicans shut down the government. Cost to the economy: $24 billion. 2003—With the blessings of Gov. Benson [R-$], Free Staters choose New Hampshire as their libertarian paradise. 2002—Northern Command is established to “Defend America’s Homeland”—posse comitatus be damned. 2002—George W.[MD] Bush claims he hasn’t “made up his mind we’re going to war with Iraq.” Right. Got it. 1999—Dow 36,000 is published. In real life the Dow peaks months later at 11,722, then loses 37% of its value. 1993—Caving under pressure, the IRS grants tax-free status to the “Church” of Scientology. 1973—Despite many failures to meet service requirements, George W.[MD] …

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Mon, Sept 30

2016—N.H.’s Attorney General reports that ex-Rep. Kyle Tasker [R-Nottingham] sold pot to five other State Reps. for medicinal purposes. 2011—U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlaki is smote by a drone in Yemen. Trial? We don’t need no stinkin’ trial! 2005—N.Y. Times’s Judith Miller tells a Grand Jury that Dick “Dick” Cheney outed Valerie Plame to her. 1998—The GAO reports that Ken “Ahab” Starr blew $40 million failing to harpoon Bill “Moby Dick” Clinton. 1962—César Chávez founds what becomes the United Farm Workers. 1956—Drunk-flying a stolen Cessna, Thomas Fitzpatrick lands on St. Nicholas St. in Manhattan, taxis to Joe’s on the corner, and orders a beer. 1954—USS Nautilus, …

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