Fri, Dec 20

2002—The ten largest U.S. brokerage houses cough up $1.44 billion in fines rather than risk a trial over charges that they fleeced their customers. 2002—Sen. Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) steps down amid criticism after expressing nostalgia for 1948-style White Supremacy. 1989—Ex-CIA boss George H. [Hoover] W. Bush invades Panama to arrest ex-CIA asset Manuel Noriega. 1983—Don Rumsfeld schmoozes with mass murderer Saddam Hussein in Baghdad at R. Reagan’s request. 1973—A Basque bomb sends a Dodge Dart over a five-story building in Madrid. In it is PM Luis Carrero Blanco, aka “Spain’s first astronaut.” 1960—CIA chief Allen Dulles meets with bigwigs from Standard Oil, Texaco, …

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