Tues, Apr 18

2002—A U.S. F-16 pilot on “go pills” drops a 500-pounder: Four are KIA, eight are WIA in Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry regiment. 1986—“[W]hen you meet…President [Reagan],” says Henry Kissinger, “you ask yourself, ‘How did it ever occur to anybody that he should be Governor, much less President?’” 1985—President Ronald Reagan says Waffen SS troops buried at Bitburg were “victims, just as surely as the victims in the concentration camps.” 1977—The federal frame-up of Leonard Peltier succeeds. 1974—As Professor Irwin Corey accepts Thomas Pynchon’s National Book Award for Gravity’s Rainbow, a streaker dashes across the stage. 1968—The Army admits that nerve gas from Dugway Proving …

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