Our Semi-Latest Paper

Friday, May 30, 2008 – In this issue (May 16, 2008), the Democratic nomination process reminds the editor of a story he was told years ago by an old swamp yankee; Nelson Mandela and Luis Clemente Faustino Posada Carriles are compared and contrasted; some little-known facts about Republican primary candidate for the First District, John Stephen are weighed; we take a look at GOP State Chair Fergus Cullen’s sense of humor; an update is included on the recent Congressional hearings about the 2002 GOP phone-jamming scandal; a press release for a New Hampshire time-share resort is deconstructed, and we consider the curb appeal of the …

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Like Clockwork

Friday, May 16, 2008 – Here it is, like clockwork. Assuming the clock in question only ticks once every 336 hours, give or take a few. “Whatever you do will be insignificant,” Gandhi said, “but it is very important that you do it.” To whatever extent it may be important, we’ve just injected another 44,000 pages of information and attitude into the infosphere, where it may be picked up, for free, by whoever happens to see it, at one of our 160 or so distribution points. In this issue, we reveal the Democrats’ secret weapon for blowing the next election, we kick around John McCain’s …

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Heck of a Legacy, Bushie

Friday, May 2, 2008 – We have done it again. Huzzah, if we do say so ourselves. Thousands of copies of yet another issue of the Nation’s Oldest Newspaper™ have been distributed in Portsmouth and the surrounding towns of the Piscataqua. Hundreds more are at the Post Office, on their way (via First Class Mail!) to our subscribers in nearly every state and the District of Columbia. As for the rest of the world, we’re making a free pdf file of our previous issue (April 18) available today. Click on this link, or the image above.