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May the Gods Preserve Us

To the Editor, If you’re looking for the Antichrist look no further than His Excellency: the antithesis of Jesus, who preached love, compassion, acceptance, truthfulness, fidelity, and humility among other beatitudes; the epitome of Lucifer, a faithless, deceitful, hate filled narcissist devoted to demeaning, misleading, and corrupting. So shame on all who identify as Christians who voted Lucifer over their professed Savior; were Speaker Johnson to read, and understand, the forgoing, it might occur to him that should the Rapture to which he seems to so look forward materialize he will likely find himself among those the Celestial Finger flicks into the fire. Shame, too, …

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Sun, Aug 11

2017—A “good person” rallying for White Supremacy in Charlottesville, Va. commits vehicular homicide. 2009—President Obama speaks inside Portsmouth, N.H. High School. Outside a Libertarian packs a 9-mm pistol and totes a sign calling for the “blood of patriots and tyrants.” 1980—Ex-Gov. John Connally lands in Houston after weeks in the Middle East, lobbying Iran, via foreign leaders, not to release its U.S. hostages. 1972—Delta Co., 3/21st Infantry, conduct the last U.S. combat patrol in Vietnam; booby traps wound two. 1966—The first Coast Guardsmen (2) are killed in Vietnam when B-57s and F-4s attack the cutter Point Welcome. 1965—A white L.A. cop pulls over a Black …

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“Let Them Eat GDP Reports”:
44 Million Americans Are Food Insecure

by Jessica Corbett A U.S. anti-hunger group marked April Fools’ Day on Monday with a snarky statement suggesting that hungry Americans “can eat positive economic statistics about the soaring stock market or the growing gross domestic product.” “Let them eat GDP reports,” Hunger Free America declared of the 44 million Americans—including 13 million children—who live in food insecure households, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. GDP is the market value of all the finished goods and services produced in a country over a certain time period. Critics have long argued against using it as the premier indicator of how a nation is doing. “The …

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Remembering Governor Voldemort

To the Editor: A 6th housing forum was held at St Anselm’s on December 8, 2023. The Free State Project is supposed to stand for freedom. So why would they want to impose draconian zoning changes on our towns? Jason Sorens is the founder of the Free State Project and part of the “Center for Ethics in Society” at St. Anselms’s. In partnership with New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority and the N.H. Office of Planning and Development, this group was the creator of the “Zoning Atlas,” a tool that helps target towns that do not favor high density construction. Why would a supposedly Catholic college …

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Hell—Mandatory? Or Optional?

Dear Editor: There is a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Unfortunately, the Republicans led by Donald Trump are leading America to hell on a road paved with their evil Fascist intentions, and they are openly and blazingly advertising them. In a recent speech in New Hampshire, Trump stated that he plans to “Root out the Communists, Marxists, Racists and Radical left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.” He followed this up with “We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country, we will rout the Fake News Media.” Mike Davis, a …

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A Way Out

To the Editor: I do not applaud Hamas’ attack on innocent Israeli civilians, but the media seldom provide any context for such horrific incidents. An unprovoked attack? One has to remember that Gaza has been under a cruel blockade for 16 years and that it had been attacked by Israel five times since 2008. Moreover, 4 out of 5 Palestinian children now suffer from extreme trauma. Some Israelis want to “flatten Gaza” to eliminate those “human animals” and to prevent the 2 million human beings there from having food, clean water, electricity and fuel to maintain the few hospitals that aren’t damaged. Sadly, 447 Palestinian …

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