Friday, April 18, 2008 – As is our current practice, now that our April 18 issue is on the streets and in the mail (First Class, no less!) we’re posting the previous fortnight’s paper (Vol. 252, No. 14, dated April 4) here, for the instant gratification of all you freeloading, silicon-based life-forms out there.
Our subscribers, of course, will receive the genuine wood-pulp-based version of today’s paper in their mailboxes in just a day or two. If your dignity requires similarly privileged treatment, you may subscribe here.
The issue we offer here for free, in pdf form, includes a Fortnightly Rant headlined “Peace Through Violence.” It looks at the 5th anniversary of George W.’s excellent adventure, and his sidekick Dick “Dick” Cheney’s inspiring interview with ABC’s Martha Raddatz, in the context of the loss of a New Hampshire National Guardsman.
The “News Briefs” department kicks around the Pentagon’s domestic spying practices and dips into the Spitzer scandal, among other things. Mike Dater, our Starving Artiste, contributes an exclusive image of the young fellow who supplied all that crappy ammo to our allies in Afghanistan, and our own Rodman Philbrick reviews baseball movies.