Friday, April 10, 2009—Save Our Bridges is online now!
Ben Porter, the U.N.H. professor who conducted the recent survey of bridge use between Kittery, Maine and Portsmouth, New Hampshire (download a 1.3 MB pdf of the results by clicking here), has created a website dedicated to saving the two threatened bridges, the Memorial Bridge, and the Sarah Mildred Long (SML) Bridge.
The new site lays out the problem: Memorial Bridge could be shut down in as little as 750 days, and the SML Bridge is also endangered. A page for each bridge lays out the specifics.
Another page on the site shows the solution, and explains why the community must act now to save both bridges.
And a third page—Take Action—lays out clearly what can and must be done, to prevent the catastrophic closing of either bridge.
Anyone who cares about the Seacoast region owes it to themselves to go to, get up to speed on the problem, and get active!
In fact, there’s no need to wait. You can start right now. Here’s a link to the page where you can sign the online petition to Save Our Bridges. On the same page, you can also download a PDF of the petition. Print it out and get your friends and neighbors to sign up!
For links to more than 100 stories in various local media about Memorial Bridge, going back at least ten years, see our “Memorial Bridge” page.
Great work.