Happy Day

A bundle of today's papers.Friday, April 23, 2010 — It doesn’t take all that much to make us happy. The papers were delivered on time. The mailing crew arrived, enjoyed a lively conversation about the events of the past fortnight while preparing the papers, then dispersed. Hundreds of papers are in the mail and on their way to forty-some-odd states. The kinks in the Digital Subscription system seem to be worked out. Some of our online subscribers may be downloading their PDFs even as we type. It’s time now to head downtown and make sure things have gone smoothly on that end. After that, there will be a few loose ends to tidy up. Then we can start on the next paper. The point of all this being, of course, that something like 10,000 or 15,000 people now have a fresh, free paper to read — quite fresh, and quite free, and not about fluffy puppies, Justin Bieber, or the latest, greatest deal on lawn care products, either.

OK, maybe that is kind of a lot. But we’re happy.

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