Monday, November 7, 2011 — On September 7, 2006, a hundred or more members of the local community who understood the value of their independent bookstore rallied for a couple of hours to help it move. In a spontaneous gesture of affection, volunteers also lifted Tom Holbrook, the person who brought us the bookstore, on their shoulders and carried him into the new premises.
Since that day, forces beyond the control of our community have made it impossible for RiverRun to stay in those premises. We can keep the bookstore, but a similar effort must be mounted. This time it’s money, not muscle, that’s needed.
The amount of money needed to set things right is not trivial, but neither is it out of reach. One month’s worth of forgone frivolities would do the job.
This is not a test of whether or not RiverRun deserves to survive these times.
This is a test of whether or not Portsmouth deserves the bookstore to which it has become accustomed.
Come to RiverRun on Wednesday, November 9th, at 7:00 p.m., and do your part.