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Occupy Earth

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 — The movement began, quite brilliantly, as an occupation of one location: the seat of power — Wall Street. By striking at the root of the problem, it changed the global topic of conversation in just two months. Unlike the collapse of the global Ponzi scheme, no one could have predicted that. The question now is how to proceed. We propose the continuation and expansion of the occupation, by means of Inescapable Newspapers. Allow us to briefly explain. (Again. See previous discussions of this idea here, here, here, and here.) Information that Shimmers If you were to ask a fish what …

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Now is the Time — Help Save RiverRun

Monday, November 7, 2011 — On September 7, 2006, a hundred or more members of the local community who understood the value of their independent bookstore rallied for a couple of hours to help it move. In a spontaneous gesture of affection, volunteers also lifted Tom Holbrook, the person who brought us the bookstore, on their shoulders and carried him into the new premises. Since that day, forces beyond the control of our community have made it impossible for RiverRun to stay in those premises. We can keep the bookstore, but a similar effort must be mounted. This time it’s money, not muscle, that’s needed. …

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Winter is Coming

Thursday, October 27, 2011 — Winter is coming. This will make the Occupations — which can now be declared a success — more difficult to sustain. We believe the current physical Occupations can and should be transformed into an unprecedented free media space, uninfluenced by and impervious to corporate power, and covering the entire nation. Properly done this plan would not only extend the presence of the Occupation everywhere, but would give the people of each district a powerful tool to dislodge Members of Congress who do not serve them. There are about 100 million households in the U.S, and 435 Congressional Districts. Each district …

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A Free People Need a Free Press

Friday, October 21, 2011 — The Editor conferred with his spiritual advisors last Sunday; which is to say, he sat down with a couple of fellow ’Nam vets and their life partners and drank beer and talked for several hours. These events are always their own reward, but something special came with this one. That should have been no surprise, since as it took place Wall Street was being Occupied. The Editor was told in no uncertain terms that now is the time to hammer home relentlessly the idea — previously expressed in this space — that the people in each and every Congressional District …

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Who are OccupyMARINES? Who is Xervarian?

Monday, October 17, 2011 — Anyone who has read our coverage of the Occupation knows we’re not objective. We’re for it. And we don’t want anything bad to happen to it. Which is why we’re concerned about Twitter user @OccupyMARINES. In a world where nobody on the Internet knows you’re a dog, things are not always as clear cut as we might like. Take occupybaltimore.com and www.occupyparty.org, for example. No doubt there are many former service members present at the Occupations whose intentions and actions are above reproach. But to unquestioningly assume that everyone is who they say they are would be reckless. Take this …

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435 Hohners — Our Simplistic Solution to the Nation’s Most Intractable Problem

Friday, August 19, 2011 — In his New York Times column this morning, Paul Krugman points out that the dominant ingredient of the federal government’s response to our economic situation is “awesome wrongness.” Krugman did not explain why that is, but on the Diane Rehm show this morning, John King did. He argued that the voters bear substantial responsibility because they put enough Tea Partiers in Congress to dominate that body, after having put a Democrat in the White House. King made no mention of the role, if any, that the national news media might have played in the electorate’s decision-making process. We would posit …

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