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Welcome to Anocracy

Dear Editor: In the era of Watergate, Richard Nixon was renounced by the Republican Party, the Supreme Court, and the American people. When the number of Americans favoring Nixon’s removal from office reached nearly six in ten, and Republican members of Congress told him he would likely be impeached, Nixon resigned. For 50 years no president has sought to interfere in a criminal investigation—until now. Former president Trump has managed to rewrite fundamental, well-established standards of law and order while simultaneously sustaining solid support within the GOP; through two impeachments, the deadly January 6th attack on our Capitol, and scores of criminal and civil indictments. …

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Ayotte is Not to be Trusted

Dear Editor: In 2016, when running for a second term as Senator, Kelly Ayotte initially endorsed Donald Trump for President. However, after the release of the “Hollywood Access” tapes and Trump’s disgusting comments about grabbing women by their genitalia, she withdrew her endorsement saying, “But the tapes that were released on Friday, the statements talked about in those tapes and the action talked about in those tapes, are fundamentally different. He is talking about assault on women.” Ms. Ayotte showed some courage and integrity back then, but that was then and this is now. Kelly Ayotte is once again supporting Trump for President. Why is …

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The Parlous State of Our Politics

To the editor; The Founders enacted two revolutions in the late eighteenth century. The first was a war of independence against England, which they won. The second was the creation of a new system of government based on the will of the people rather than the will of royal or religious autocrats. The new government was a democratic republic based on the Enlightenment values of freedom, equality, justice and fairness for all. Although policy differences between factions would inevitably exist, the founders believed that citizens would engage in reasoned discussion that would result in bargaining and compromise for the common good. Loyalty to the fundamental …

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Will Our Great Experiment Fail?

Dear Editor: In May 2016, South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham stated: “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed… and we will deserve it.” At the time he was referring to the Republican Party. While Sen. Graham would now disagree, since he has since transformed into a loyal Trump disciple, his prediction has come true. There is very little left other than its name and the elephant symbol that represents the old Republican Party. For example, imagine the party of Eisenhower and Reagan supporting Vladimir Putin over a democratic Ukraine and our NATO allies. Or imagine the once law and order party nominating a …

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Dispatch from the Libertarian Universe

[Note: Here, where we reside, in the commonly-accepted universe as described by the likes of Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking, those wishing to correspond with the editor generally do so by email. It’s simple, it’s convenient, and everyone knows how it works. Tom Alciere, a candidate in the Republican primary for the 2nd Congressional District, is, however, a capital-L Libertarian. He has therefore disdained the normal means of sending us a letter, and chosen instead to post a comment to an article published four years ago on our website, To do full credit to the contents of Alciere’s letter we must briefly describe how …

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Two Russians Walk Into a Bar…

To the Editor: Having blogged often about the Russian mafiocracy’s expert use of troll (or bot) farming techniques, I was surprised to happen upon an entry in the Gazette’s May 14 edition’s this-day-in-history section. Under the heading “Tuesday, May 21” for 2016 it noted that, “In Houston, hundreds rally to support Islam. Hundreds more rally, armed, to oppose it. All have been duped by a Russian troll farm.” A quick search revealed many accounts of the incident. How on Earth did I miss that? I thought I was on top of all the nefarious activities of the Russian trolls to get us to believe whatever …

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