Trump Threatens Lives and System

To the Editor: In recent days, protestors carrying weapons and wearing Trump, Nazi and Confederate insignia, have confronted Democratic governors to demand that Covid-19 social distancing orders be lifted. In Michigan, their cars blocked ambulance access to a hospital. Protestors demand that governors “reopen” their states, public safety be damned. “When it’s my time to go, God’s going to call me home,” one said, with disregard for the safety of others. The protests themselves endanger lives, congregating in tight groups without masks, handing out candy to children with bare hands. Conservative media figures and officials have encouraged such protests, to “free” the states, suggesting that …

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Protect Us From King Sununu

To the Editor: New Hampshire’s founding fathers knew what it was like to live under a king. Our State Constitution imposes many limits on elected officials to prevent anyone from acting like a king. Elected officials are elected for two-year terms. Uniquely, we have an elected Executive Council. Appointments by the Governor must be approved by the Executive Council, as are contracts over $10,000. Unfortunately, New Hampshire now has a Governor who wants to play king. He says we are in an emergency and he should be given sole power to distribute $1.25 billion in Federal aid. He says there is no time for oversight …

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Back to Normal? Not Without More Testing

To the Editor: All of us here in New Hampshire and the rest of the country are doing our best to push down the Covid-19 threat so that we can get back to our previous normal lives. However, it is important for our political leaders, the healthcare community and the business community to develop a strategy now to get there after the health threat subsides. Most professional medical experts and worldwide business leaders are already recognizing that a major component in any such strategy must be intensive and comprehensive Covid-19 testing and testing for Covid-19 antibodies. We can assume that if a person has developed …

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A Genuine Mash Note

To the Editor: Thank you for continuing to publish during this time made even crazier by the coronavirus. Thank you, too, for your generous offer to extend my subscription until you go back to print, but please keep my renewal date the same (November.) Yes, I love the feel of freshly printed cellulose between my fingers, but if I’ve gotten it, even in digital form, you don’t owe me. Please take the small amount that my subscription represents and use it to keep the commentary rolling. Stay well, Nan Graves Cape Neddick, Maine Nan: Aww…. The Editor

Criticism is Patriotic

To the Editor: “These are the times that try men’s souls.” – Thomas Paine. I sense that the American public has not been so challenged and stressed since the days of World War II. Covid-19 was an act of nature. It has been made worse by the actions and decisions of President Donald Trump. The following quotations are taken from the Washington Post (March 20, 2020): “U.S. intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus while President Trump and lawmakers played down the threat and failed to take action that might have slowed the …

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Naming and Framing

To the Editor: Please consider using and promoting the use of the phrase “physical distancing” instead of the somewhat misleading “social distancing.” “Social distancing” is one of the steps everyone has been and is being advised to take to slow the spread of the corona virus. What the experts actually want us to do is practice “physical distancing.” As you may know, the SARS COV2 virus (technical name for it) is transmitted through physical contact and proximity—touching the eyes, lips, or nose with something contaminated with the virus, like your dirty fingers, or inhaling droplets from a sneeze or the exhalation of someone who has …

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