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Tanker Hits Long Bridge

Monday, April 1, 2013 — The Portugese-flagged tanker Harbour Feature came loose from its mooring at the State Pier earlier today, swung into the current, and hit the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge. Assuming the timestamp of SebecTec’s webcam is accurate — we have no reason to doubt it — the ship began moving at 1:10 p.m. In about nine minutes the ship came to rest parallel to the bridge. Among one small knot of onlookers on Ceres Street the scuttlebutt was that a line had parted. Reposts suggest there has been some damage to the bridge. For now, the I-95 bridge is the only one …

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German Gentleman Critiques LaRouchePAC Obama/Hitler Poster

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 — Several LaRouchePAC representatives spent some time in Market Square on Friday, November 23, 2012, asking people to sign a petition to impeach President Obama. About ten seconds into this video, a gentleman in a black coat gets a good look at their poster showing the President with a Hitler-style mustache, and exchanges a few words with a woman at the table. At about 1:28, he says, “I’m German. I know about Hitler,” then walks away in disgust.

Taxi! Taxi!

Sunday, October 7, 2012 — You never know what you’re going to see on the streets of Portsmouth. Yesterday our Wandering Photographer came across this black London cab parked in front of the Press Room on Daniel Street.

The Bounty Docks in Portsmouth

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 — HMS Bounty — the 1960 replica, of course, not the original ship — pulled into Portsmouth Harbor in the early afternoon of Thursday, August 30th. Our Newsreel crew, tipped off by a friend, was on hand to record the docking. UPDATE: Tuesday, October 30, 2012: Bounty was lost off the Outer Banks Monday, October 29, 2012. One crew member has died, one is still missing.

Miami Burning

Thursday, May 23, 2012 — Our Wandering Newsreel Division has finally processed something they shot yesterday: Smoke rises from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard as a fire burns aboard the USS Miami. Video shot from the Piscataqua River Wednesday, about 6:32 p.m., approximately 45 minutes after the fire began. News reports indicate 7 persons were injured fighting the fire.