Sun, Aug 9
2014—Ferguson, Mo. cop Darren Wilson shoots unarmed Michael Brown, whose body is then left uncovered on the street for four hours. 1997—New York cop Justin Volpe sodomizes Haitian immigrant Abner Louima with a broomstick. 1989—George Herbert [Hoover] Walker Bush signs the Savings and Loan bailout. Among the bailees: his boys Neil and Jeb. 1974—Richard Milhous Nixon vacates the White House — finally. 1945—In Nagasaki, the boss of Hiroshima blast survivor Tsutomu Yamaguchi doubts his account of the devastation. Then an A-bomb explodes. 1936—Lincoln Steffens, one of the original muckrakers, dies at 70. 1892—Reacting to a fatal disagreement two days earlier, a group of Hatfields tie …