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Sat, Oct 10

2019—CNN: “Two men connected to Giuliani’s Ukraine efforts charged with funneling foreign money into [Donald Trump’s] U.S. election.” 2015—News reports say two 1976 assassinations in Washington, D.C. were ordered by CIA-installed Chilean dictator A. Pinochet, and covered up by the CIA and President Reagan. 2012—Donald Trump baselessly accuses Barack Obama of “laundering money into his campaign from illegal online foreign donations.” 2002—The U.S. House of Representatives votes to give Presidents permission to use the world’s most powerful military machine to do as they please. 1991—Seven of New Hampshire’s largest banks, holding 25% of all deposits and 60% of all commercial loans, are closed by regulators. …

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Fri, Oct 9

2005—Four die as the Cold River floods Alstead, N.H. 2001—Two Democratic Senators receive letters carrying anthrax spores. 1998—In “a mockery of the regulatory process” that “brazenly violates existing law,” Citicorp and Travelers Group merge into Citigroup, enriching Sandy Weill and Jamie Dimon but costing taxpayers billions. 1992—Hearing a loud bang, Michelle Knapp of Peekskill, N.Y. goes outside and finds a hole punched through the trunk of her 1980 Chevy Malibu and a warm 26-pound meteorite lying on the pavement beneath it. 1974—Rep. Wilbur Mills [D-Ark.] is stopped at 2 a.m. for speeding with his headlights off. His passenger, Fanne [sic] Foxe, aka “The Argentine Firecracker,” …

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Thurs, Oct 8

2004—American warplanes miss Abu Musab al Zarqawi but kill 13 people at a wedding instead. 1991—Speaker of the House Tom Foley [D-Wash.] announces that the House’s sergeant-at-arms will no longer fix traffic tickets for Members. 1985—Dining at the White House, President Reagan “praises incessantly” his guest’s most recent work of art: Rambo: First Blood, Part II. 1974—The Franklin National Bank collapses, undermined by Mafioso Michele Sindona, a close buddy of President Nixon’s Treasury Secretary David Kennedy. 1969—A three-day riot branded “Days of Rage” begins in Chicago. 1968—Washington, D.C. riots after police shoot a Black man. 1967—Ernesto “Che” Guevara is captured by Bolivian troops led by …

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Wed, Oct 7

2016—The Washington Post releases a videotape on which the GOP Presidential candidate brags about grabbing women by their genitals. Hours later hacked emails of his opponent’s campaign chairman are released. 2011—On her 62nd birthday, Wal-Mart heir Alice Walton gets her 2nd DWI; but no charges were filed. The second wealthiest woman on Earth, she killed a woman in a 1989 car wreck; but no charges were filed. 2007—Bangor, Maine celebrates the death of Al Brady, Public Enemy No. 1, in a 1937 shootout downtown. 2004—George W.[MD] Bush and Dick “Dick” Cheney do the bait-and-switch: so what if Saddam didn’t have WMDs—he cheated on oil-for-food. 2001—U.S. …

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Tues, Oct 6

2004—The top U.S. arms inspector in Iraq says there is no evidence Saddam Hussein had tried to manufacture any WMDs after 1991. 1976—Cubana Flight 455 is bombed over Barbados, killing 73. Miami resident Luis Posada Carriles is wanted in Cuba and Venezuela for the crime, but the U.S. won’t extradite him. 1970—The replacement statue of a cop in Chicago’s Haymarket Square is blown to bits by the Weathermen. 1969—The statue of a cop in Chicago’s Haymarket Square is blown to bits by the Weathermen. 1961—President Kennedy recommends that, in case of nuclear war, American families get ready to live for a while in holes in …

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Mon, Oct 5

2017—The Senate confirms a new Ambassador to the Czech Republic: ex-Wisconsin GOP chair Steve King. In 1972, on orders from her husband, CREEP chair John Mitchell, King tore Martha Mitchell’s phone from the wall and restrained her as she was forcibly injected with tranquilizers to keep her from talking to the press. 2010—“Fox and Friends” reports that Los Angeles has bought $1 billion worth of jet packs for its Police and Fire Departments. They cribbed the story from the Weekly World News. 2003—Timothy Treadwell and girlfriend Amie Huguenard discover the hard way that the grizzly bears they’ve been associating with in Alaska are not vegetarians. …

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