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Sat, March 27

2014—The UN, bringing receipts, says the U.S. civil rights record stinks. 2003—Iraq “can really finance its own reconstruction and relatively soon,” U.S. Undersecretary for Defense Paul Wolfowitz tells Congress. “There’s a lot of money to pay for this that doesn’t have to be U.S. taxpayer money.” 1986—Congress slashes welfare while approving $100 million for a drug gang called “The Contras.” 1980—A Norwegian oil platform collapses in the North Sea. Of the 212 on board, 123 perish. 1964—History’s 2nd largest earthquake hits Anchorage; 115 die. 1956—Billy Graham, alleged Christian, advises Ike: ignore civil rights. 1943—So their forged IDs might avoid Nazi detection, openly gay Dutch artist …

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Fri, Mar 26

2006—Justice Antonin Scalia is photographed on the steps of a Boston church, making an obscene gesture. 1993—Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev returns to Earth, where the USSR that sent him into orbit is no more. 1983—Bob “Bob Dole” Dole calls Ford, Carter, and Nixon “Hear no evil, see no evil, and evil.” 1982—Ground is broken for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 1972—Gen. John D. Lavelle loses two stars and command of the 7th Air Force for following Nixon’s secret orders to bomb North Vietnam. 1968—A dozen “Wise Men” tell LBJ it’s time to get out of Vietnam. 1964—Malcolm X and MLK shake hands in Washington, D.C.—their first and …

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Thurs, Mar 25

2003—George W.[MD] Bush signs an Executive Order giving Dick “Dick” Cheney unprecedented power to classify information. 2003—Four Air Force generals are sacked over a massive rape scandal. 1997—Florida’s “Old Sparky” sets Pedro Medina on fire as it kills him. 1976—Execs at the Ford plant in Argentina begin doing the new military junta’s bidding. Work incentives include torture, kidnapping, & murder. 1971—Three dairy co-ops get $600 million in milk price supports for a $427,000 “contribution” towards Dick “Original Dick” Nixon’s re-election. 1966—“Of all the forms of inequality,” says MLK Jr., “injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” 1966—Fifteen WW II and Korean War …

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Wed, March 24

2004—A-list broadcast journalists crack up at a black-tie dinner as President George W.[MD] Bush jokes about “his” failed search for WMDs. Less amused: families of the 691 GI’s killed in his pre-emptive war. 1989—Exxon delivers an important message about its commitment to the environment via the Exxon Valdez. 1985—Shot by a Soviet sentry while peeping at an East German tank shed, U.S. Army Maj. Arthur D. Nicholson becomes what the Pentagon calls “the last casualty of the Cold War.” 1972—At Washington, D.C.’s Mayflower Hotel, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy try to score an “LSD-type drug” from an ex-CIA doctor. They even fail at …

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Tues, March 23

2016—Tay, a Microsoft™ AI chatterbot, is released on Twitter. She’s pulled 16 hours later for being a Nazi. 2004—In a Senate office building, 19 Members of Congress watch a golden crown being placed on the head of convicted tax cheat and Washington Times owner Rev. Sun Myung Moon. 2003—A lost U.S. Army convoy is ambushed near Nasiriyah, Iraq: 11 KIAs, five WIAs, & six POWs, including Pvt. Jessica Ryan. An Air Force A-10 kills six to 10 U.S. Marines. A U.S. Patriot missile downs an RAF fighter jet over Iraq. 1983—Acting president R. Reagan touts space-based anti-missile missiles, as 1940’s Murder in the Air, in …

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Mon, March 22

2006—MV Queen of the North, a Canadian ferry four miles off course, hits an island at 17 knots and sinks with a loss of two lives. Union reps deny crewmembers were having sex at the time. 2003—The chief officer of RMS Mülheim, getting out of his chair while on watch, catches his trousers on a lever, falls and hits his head, losing consciousness. The ship runs aground at Land’s End in Cornwall, a total loss. 1987—The Mobro 4000, a barge toting 3,168 tons of garbage, leaves NYC. After a 162 day, 6,000 mile joyride, it will return to NYC where its contents will be burned. …

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