Sun, March 21
2006—Twitter takes flight. 2003—Richard Clarke, top counter-intel cop since Bush#41, says Bush#43 ignored al-Qaeda until 9/11. 1995—Mississippi OKs the 13th amendment, outlawing slavery—except it goes unregistered, so, no dice. 1981—In Mobile, Ala., two Ku Kluxers conduct the last recorded lynching. RIP: Michael Donald, 19. 1973—“There is a cancer on the Presidency,” says White House Counsel John Dean to the cancer. 1963—“Gents, this is an educational project,” says condemned murderer Frederick Wood in New York. “You are about to witness the damaging effect electricity has on Wood.” 1960—South African police kill 89 unarmed black protesters in the Sharpeville Massacre. 1952—DJ Alan Freed throws the Moondog Coronation …