Sun, March 21

2006—Twitter takes flight. 2003—Richard Clarke, top counter-intel cop since Bush#41, says Bush#43 ignored al-Qaeda until 9/11. 1995—Mississippi OKs the 13th amendment, outlawing slavery—except it goes unregistered, so, no dice. 1981—In Mobile, Ala., two Ku Kluxers conduct the last recorded lynching. RIP: Michael Donald, 19. 1973—“There is a cancer on the Presidency,” says White House Counsel John Dean to the cancer. 1963—“Gents, this is an educational project,” says condemned murderer Frederick Wood in New York. “You are about to witness the damaging effect electricity has on Wood.” 1960—South African police kill 89 unarmed black protesters in the Sharpeville Massacre. 1952—DJ Alan Freed throws the Moondog Coronation …

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Sat, March 20

2017—FBI Boss Jim Comey tells Congress the Trump campaign and Russia may have colluded. 2012—One of the two loaded .45 pistols Rep. Kyle Tasker [R-Northwood] legally carries in shoulder holsters drops to the floor of a packed hearing room in the N.H. State Capital. 2003—U.S. troops invade Iraq to protect The Homeland from Saddam’s innumerable WMDs. 1992—UN weapons inspector Rolf Ekeus says Iraq has agreed to destroy its weapons of mass destruction. 1976—Press Baron William R. Hearst’s granddaughter Patricia is convicted of bank robbery. 1954—“If the [Vietnamese] Communists continue to suffer the losses they have been taking,” says French Chief of Staff Gen. Paul Ely, …

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Fri, March 19

2011—The U.S. and France attack Libya—for its own good, of course. 2004—USA Today admits that its Pulitzer-contender Jack Kelley ought to have competed in the fiction category. 2003—George W.[MD] Bush starts his pre-emptive war; 40 Tomahawk missiles hit residential Baghdad. 1987—Ed “Meese is a Pig” Meese endorses drug testing for schoolteachers. 1983—On “Diff’rent Strokes,” Nancy Reagan tells “a true story” about “Charlie.” “Burned out on marijuana” at 14, he “brutally beats” Sis when she won’t steal to buy him weed. 1954—The U.S. government burns books by Wilhelm Reich. 1948—Nobel Prize winner Mme. Irene Joliot-Curie is released from detention on Ellis Island; her work against fascism …

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Thurs, March 18

2004—At Gilley’s, Portsmouth narcs and off-duty cops hold round two of a fight begun at Paddys on St. Pat’s Day. 2003—“Why should we hear about body bags and death and how many?” asks Barbara Bush. “It’s not relevant…why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?” 1997—Two L.A.P.D. undercover cops have a road rage shootout; one, Kevin Gaines, ends up dead in a big SUV that belongs to the estranged wife of Death Row Records’ “Suge” Knight. Exposure of massive corruption at the Rampart Division ensues. 1990—Fake cops bluff guards and steal Rembrandts and a Vermeer from Boston’s Gardner Museum. 1986—William F. Buckley’s …

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Wed, March 17

2017—Arguing Apocalypse Now in the Oval with ’Nam vets, Dolt #45 confuses Agent Orange with napalm. 2008—His high-priced hooker habit exposed, N.Y. Gov. E. Spitzer resigns. 2007—Navy Times: before he was a U.S.M.C. Cpl. and Fox News reporter, Matt Sanchez was a gay porn star. 2004—To honor St. Patrick, narcs and off-duty cops duke it out in Paddy’s parking lot at the Tradeport. 2003—George W.[MD] Bush tells Saddam Hussein that Iraq isn’t big enough for the both of them. Hitler 2.0 has 48 hours to get out. 1992—Dick “Dick” Cheney and two other members of G.H.[H.]W. Bush’s cabinet admit they wrote rubber checks on the …

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Tues, March 16

2008—JPMorgan buys Bear Stearns, with the New York Fed’s $30 billion. 2003—On “Meet the Press,” Dick “Dick” Cheney claims that Saddam Hussein “has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons,” and that“we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.” 1993—“The Storm of the Century” kills 318 on the East Coast. 1990—GOP race whisperer Lee Atwater “repents” on his deathbed; no lie detectors are present, however. 1988—Kurds in Iraq are gassed with ingredients Saddam Hussein bought from the U.S. and Europe. 1970—Sen. Roman Hruska (R-Neb.) defends G. Harrold [sic] Carswell as nominee to the Supreme Court: “there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They …

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