Sat, Sept 25

2008—Somali pirates capture the MV Faina, a 500-foot freighter with a cargo of 33 Soviet tanks. 2007—Texas kills Michael Richard on schedule because Judge Sharon Keller refused to work overtime. 2003—An early draft of an interim report from weapons inspectors in Iraq says no WMD have been found. 2002—George W.[MD] Bush says nonsensically, “You can’t distinguish between al-Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror.” 1966—The White Sox beat the Yankees 4-1 before the smallest crowd in the history of Yankee Stadium—413. 1962—While listening to the first Liston/Patterson fight, Vivian Stanshall and Rodey Slater form the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. 1959—The U.S. …

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Fri, Sept 24

2007—A plane previously used for “rendition” flights carrying alleged terrorists to Gitmo crashes in the Yucatan carrying 3.3 tons of cocaine. 2006—The New York Times reports that our spies think the Iraq War makes Islamic terrorism more likely. 2006—George W.[MD] Bush says, “When the final history is written on Iraq, it will look just like a comma.” 1981—CIA boss Bill Casey says the Freedom of Information Act shouldn’t apply to intelligence agencies. 1978—On his yacht in Chesapeake Bay, right-handed CIA spook John Paisley takes a shotgun blast behind his left ear. It’s ruled suicide. 1968—Protestors destroy 10,000 draft files in Milwaukee, Wis. 1957—The 101st Airborne …

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Thurs, Sept 23

1999—The $328 million Climate Orbiter crashes on Mars because Lockheed forgot to use the metric system. 1998—The New York Fed bails out broke hedge fund LTCM, establishing a suicidal precedent. 1990—As Dan Quayle speaks at a $2,500-plate fundraiser in Portland, Ore., the Reverse Peristalsis Painters protest by vomiting red, white, and blue mashed potatoes. 1975—Already fired for spying on citizens, ex-CIA counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton testifies, “certain individual rights have to be sacrificed for the national security.” 1960—Alan Ginsberg, Peter Orlovsky, and LeRoi Jones meet in Manhattan with Fidel Castro. 1957—Nine Black students enter Little Rock High School, but are escorted out again by …

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Wed, Sept 22

2003—“A year from now,” Richard Perle says, “I’ll be very surprised if there is not some grand square in Baghdad that is named after President Bush.” 1987—Navy Reserve Capt. Timothy J. Dorsey shoots down a Navy plane during a training exercise. Its crew survives with injuries. Dorsey’s career is unscathed: daddy’s an Admiral. 1975—Disabled ’Nam vet Oliver Sipple deflects Sarah Jane Moore’s shot, saving President Gerald Ford. 1970—President Nixon requests more FBI spies for college campuses. 1959—Fire Commissioner Robert J. Quinn sounds the air-raid sirens to celebrate the White Sox’s pennant win. Many Chicagoans assume it’s war with the Russkies. 1950—Truman vetoes the McCarran Act, …

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Tues, Sept 21

2014—A spokesman for the Islamic State  calls U.S. Sec. of State John Kerry an “uncircumcised old geezer.” 2001—CIA chief George Tenet tells the V.P. his Iraq/al-Qaeda link appears to be fiction. Dick “Dick” Cheney continues to repeat it. 1989—The Chase Manhattan Bank accepts for deposit a check sent as a prank by Spy Magazine. Endorsed by “short-fingered vulgarian” Donald J. Trump, it’s for $0.13. 1983—Defending the diversity of his staff, Reagan’s Sec. of the Interior, James G. Watt boasts, “I have a Black, a woman, two Jews, and a cripple.” 1982—Edward Lee Howard, a CIA agent suspected of spying for the U.S.S.R., eludes FBI surveillance …

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Mon, Sept 20

2006—“The devil came here yesterday,” says Hugo Chavez at the UN, “and it smells of sulfur still today.” 2001—George W.[MD] Bush declares a War on a noun, viz., Terror, before a joint session of Congress, which somehow takes him seriously. 1968—A U.S. military spokesman in Saigon says Agent Orange has no harmful effects on human health. 1958—A deranged woman stabs Martin Luther King, Jr. while he’s autographing books in Harlem. 1945—Ex-Nazi, former SS member, and rocket scientist Werner von Braun begins working for the U.S. 1830—In Philadelphia, 38 free Blacks form the National Negro Convention to abolish slavery. 1797—The frigate Constitution is launched in Boston. …

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