Sat, July 16
2018—V. Putin gets Dolt #45 alone for two hours in Helsinki. 2013—Jimmy Carter says, “America has no functioning democracy.” 1991—The Trump Taj Mahal files for bankruptcy 467 days after opening. 1979—A dam, badly built on shaky ground, collapses in Church Rock, N.M. It spills 1,100 tons of radioactive mill waste, 93 million gallons of effluent, releasing as much radioactivity as the Three Mile Island meltdown. 1973—Nixon aide Al Butterfield reveals he’s been bugging the Oval Office at the behest of The Man himself. 1964—A white cop shoots James Powell—15, 112 lbs., and Black—dead. The Harlem riots begin. 1963—In NYC, Tom Cornell and Chris Kearns stage …