Sun, Feb 18
2012—Rep. Bob Morris [R-Ind.] says Girl Scouts use “feminists, lesbians, and Communists” as role models to promote a “homosexual lifestyle.” 2001—Robert Hanssen, a devout Catholic, exhibitionist, patron of strippers, and ex-FBI Special Agent, is arrested for selling U.S. secrets to the U.S.S.R., then to the Russians. 1976—Jerry Ford accepts the CIA’s word: if it breaks the law, it’ll confess. 1970—All of the Chicago 7 are found innocent of conspiring to incite riots; five are found guilty of crossing state lines to incite riots anyway. 1962—“We are going to win in Vietnam,” says RFK in Saigon. “We will remain here until we do win.” 1954—Ike’s A.G. …