Sun, Feb 18

2012—Rep. Bob Morris [R-Ind.] says Girl Scouts use “feminists, lesbians, and Communists” as role models to promote a “homosexual lifestyle.” 2001—Robert Hanssen, a devout Catholic, exhibitionist, patron of strippers, and ex-FBI Special Agent,  is arrested for selling U.S. secrets to the U.S.S.R., then to the Russians. 1976—Jerry Ford accepts the CIA’s word: if it breaks the law, it’ll confess. 1970—All of the Chicago 7 are found innocent of conspiring to incite riots; five are found guilty of crossing state lines to incite riots anyway. 1962—“We are going to win in Vietnam,” says RFK in Saigon. “We will remain here until we do win.” 1954—Ike’s A.G. …

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Sat, Feb 17

2021—After poisoning U.S. discourse for 37 years, oxygen thief Rush Limbaugh shuts his lying trap. 2017—President Trump declares the press to be the enemy of the people. 2015—A study finds that previous tallies of lynchings in the U.S. had under-counted by at least 800. 2006—Harry Whittington apologizes to Dick “Dick” Cheney for having absorbed a face full of his birdshot. 2003—Covert CIA agents grab Abu Omar in Milan, blowing an Italian surveillance program; 23 agents are later convicted of kidnapping. 2000—“I hate the g__ks,” Sen. John McCain tells reporters. “I will hate them as long as I live”—that’s 18 years. 1985—General William Westmoreland drops his …

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Fri, Feb 16

1982—Nancy Reagan says, via an aide, she’ll no longer accept “loaned” threads from big name designers because she’s “really…tired of people misinterpreting what she was doing.” 1978—The first computer bulletin board goes online in Chicago. 1976—The Village Voice publishes excerpts from the House-suppressed Pike Report; among other sins, the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA have been illegally spying on U.S. citizens. 1964—A week after security in Saigon is “tightened,” a V.C. bomb in an American movie theater kills three U.S. soldiers and wounds another 50. 1962—A two-day anti-nuclear march on Washington begins. 1959—Fidel Castro is sworn in as Prime Minister of Cuba. 1943—Mildred Harnacke, …

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Thurs, Feb 15

2001—Fox airs “Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?” Great. 1989—After just a little over nine years in-country, quick-thinking Soviets pull out of Afghanistan. 1988—Environmentalists, supporting striking workers, storm Int’l. Paper’s Jay, Maine plant 10 days after scabs create a huge chlorine leak. 1978—On his first day at the Hillsboro, N.H. Messenger, our current editor is told, “Get over to Henniker; last night the cop shop was fire-bombed.” 1973—Nixon to Joint Chiefs: POWs’ return is “an invaluable opportunity to revise the history of this War.” 1966—In place of Senate hearings on the Vietnam War, CBS shows reruns of “I Love Lucy.” Fred Friendly, President …

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Wed, Feb 14

2016—A cargo jet linked to the CIA lands in Harare, Zimbabwe carrying 67 tons of South African currency and the decomposing body of a Black man. 2016—With wind blowing 20 m.p.h., and the thermometer at -13°, the wind chill in Portsmouth falls to -38°. 2015—Another 18 inches of snow fall on Portsmouth, making nearly eight feet in under three weeks. 2004—The White House releases some of George W.[MD] Bush’s military records, but they fail to prove he was present for duty. 1973—The first American POWs released from North Vietnam arrive at Travis AFB, Calif. [See tomorrow.] 1971—Nixon’s secret taping system is installed in the White …

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Tues, Feb 13

2013—Justice Antonin Scalia goes to his final judgment. 2008—The Senate tells the CIA to cool it with the waterboarding. 2007—An Al-Qaeda tape calls George W.[MD] Bush a drunk gambler. 2002—Donald Rumsfeld’s ex-assistant Ken Adelman predicts the Iraq War will be a “cakewalk.” 1991—A super-accurate, laser-guided U.S. bomb kills some 400 Iraqi civilians in a bunker in Baghdad. 1983—Radicalized by anti-Semite Henry Ford, decorated WW II vet and anti-tax crank Gordon Kahl and son Yorie Von Kahl murder two U.S. Marshals and wound three other lawmen in a shootout near Medina, N.D. 1981—Hexane gas illegally discharged from a Purina plant fills the Louisville, Ky. sewer system. …

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