Tues, Oct 10

2019—CNN: “Two men connected to Giuliani’s Ukraine efforts charged with funneling foreign money into [Donald Trump’s] U.S. election.” 2015—News reports say two 1976 assassinations in Washington, D.C. were ordered by CIA-installed Chilean dictator A. Pinochet, and covered up by the CIA and President Reagan. 2012—Donald Trump projects, accusing Barack Obama of “laundering money into his campaign from illegal online foreign donations.” 2002—The House votes to let Presidents use the Pentagon as they please. 1991—Seven of New Hampshire’s largest banks, holding 25% of all deposits and 60% of all commercial loans, are closed by regulators. 1990—Coached by Hill & Knowlton, the Kuwaiti Ambassador’s daughter lies to …

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How to End a Shutdown

To the Editor: The first of the month is when people’s rent comes due. It is also when most people get paid. Unfortunately, federal employees will not be getting paid this October first because rogue members of the GOP in the House of Representatives won’t allow a vote to fund the government. They do not care if federal employees cannot pay their rent without a paycheck, or buy food for their family, or make a car payment. They also expect our men and women in uniform to protect this country without getting paid on time. They expect Air Traffic Controllers to work without receiving their …

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Looking on the Bright Side

by W.D. Ehrhart I’ve just had a new experience.  For the first time since I began writing essays for the New Hampshire Gazette, I finally submitted one so unrelievedly pessimistic that our Alleged Editor rejected it, declining to inflict so bleak and hopeless an argument predicting the all-but-inevitable re-election of Dolt .45 next November with no way to avoid that outcome except through divine intervention. Well, fair enough.  He’s not only the editor, but also the publisher and owner of the Gazette.  He gets to print what he wants and not print what he doesn’t want.  And he’s obligated to consider his readership’s sensibilities.  Who …

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Corporate Sabotage at the Heart of Our Nation’s Dysfunction

Corporations have far too much power. But We the People have more. by Robert Weissman and Joan Claybrook [The following is based on an excerpt of the authors’ new book, The Corporate Sabotage of America’s Future and What We Can Do About It (Public Citizen & Essential Books / 2023).] It is now conventional wisdom that America is a divided country, with bitter partisan splits over just about everything. It’s undoubtedly true that Americans have divergent views on many important topics. But the narrative of a Divided America obscures an equally important and rarely acknowledged truth: Americans agree on a great deal. Americans of all …

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We Are Officially Speechless

Republicans just threw out their own Speaker of the House. He had committed an unpardonable sin: he had worked with Democrats to keep the government running. Kevin McCarthy’s defenestration on Monday is a shocking event, even in this bizarre political climate. He is the first Speaker ever thrown out in the middle of his term. And this is not just any old term. No, we’re on the brink of a government shutdown. If Congress cannot pass a budget, in a matter of weeks the rest of the government will begin to grind to a halt. This territory is all too familiar, of course. It’s enough …

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