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Mon, July 29

1994—Pro-life Reverend Paul Jennings Hill shotguns Dr. John Britton and his bodyguard James Barrett to death and wounds Barrett’s wife June. 1986—Ex-Chaplain Charlie Liteky, protesting U.S. policies in Latin America, renounces the Medal of Honor he got for heroism in Vietnam. 1981—Congress passes Ronald Reagan’s tax cut for the rich. 1974—Ten Republicans out of 17 on the Judiciary Committee vote not to impeach Nixon for abuse of power and violating his oath of office. 1970—Thanks to a five-year grape boycott, the United Farm Workers win their first contract. 1967—Bum equipment and bad procedures create a stray electrical current that sends a Zuni rocket from an …

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Sun, July 28

2012—Three elderly troublemakers infiltrate Oak Ridge, Tenn. and spill blood on its nuclear weapons plant. 2006—Storm winds drop the partially-renovated steeple of North Church onto Pleasant Street in Portsmouth. 1967—Gov. Reagan signs a gun control bill 87 days after armed Black Panthers visit the Calif. State House. 1945—A B-25 hits the Empire State Building; six floors burn, 13 die, 26 are injured. Among them: elevator operator Betty Oliver. The cable of the elevator evacuating her snaps; it plummets 80 stories. She survives that, too. 1945—A kamikaze biplane sinks the USS Callaghan off Okinawa. 1942—USS YP-422 is commissioned in Neponset, Mass., commander: Lieut. L. Ron Hubbard. …

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Let’s Trump-Proof Our Democracy

To the Editor: W.D. Ehrhart’s thirteen suggestions for coping with an administration headed by a convicted felon got me to thinking. Obviously intended as a bit of humor, it was missing a more serious option, one in which we Americans should be engaged now. NATO allies were reported a few days ago as planning on how to trump-proof the alliance. We should be doing the same for our democracy. Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025’s disgustingly arrogant spokesman was crowing the other day about how his coming Second Revolution would be bloodless as long as “the left” rolled over and let …

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There Really Is Still Time

by W.D. Ehrhart Over the course of the previous two weeks, I have been working on an essay I had titled “There Is Still Time—But Not Much,” in which I argued that President Joe Biden should step aside and withdraw from this November’s election if the Democrats want even the slightest chance of defeating former President Donald Trump. Given that Biden officially withdrew his candidacy this past Sunday, and has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the top spot on the ticket, there seems little point in reiterating my arguments in any detail. Suffice it to say that Biden is a decent enough person with …

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‘Hot Enough For Ya?’

Heat Records Falling Like Dominos“Pay No Attention,” Say Politicos This past Sunday, July 21st, was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth—which, other than in Elon Musk’s drug-addled dreams, is the only place in the universe known to be habitable by our species. For now, anyway. That heat record stood for 24 hours. It was surpassed on Monday, the New York Times reported Wednesday. While this milestone is technically news, it may not be all that surprising. NOAA reported in June that May had been the 12th consecutive warmest month on record. Rounding out our review of broken records, while 2023 was the hottest year …

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Why Bernie Sanders Is Thanking Elon Musk

by Jake Johnson U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on July 16th took the unusual step of applauding Elon Musk—but not for reasons that the Tesla CEO and world’s richest man would likely find flattering. In the wake of reports indicating that Musk plans to inject $45 million per month into a new super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump’s bid for another four years in the White House, Sanders (I-Vt.) thanked Musk for doing “an exceptional job of demonstrating a point that we have made for years—and that is the fact we live in an oligarchic society in which billionaires dominate not only our economic life …

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