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Kittery Wish List Update 3

hotel-park-fieldWednesday, February 18, 2009—Thanks to a visitor from up—or is that down—the coast a ways, we have two more suggestions for distribution sites in Kittery. Thanks, Elizebeth—and keep an eye out for that dreaded red “Expiring” sticker!

We now have nine locations on our Wish List, but we know there are other places that could be added. Don’t hold back!

The Current List:
Beach Pea Baking Co.
Carl’s Meat Market
Chef’s Cove Cafe (formerly the Crooked Lane),
Chun Ping Lau Restaurant
Golden Harvest
7-Eleven at the wee Kittery rotary
Starbucks at the outlet
The Navy Yard pub
Tulsi (the Indian restaurant).

1 thought on “Kittery Wish List Update 3”

  1. Jacksons True Value Hardware & Marine now has the Gazette available. Stop by, pick one up and say Hi!

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