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Let’s Have Fun With Newspapers

Friday, July 4, 2014 — It’s Independence Day. On this, the 238th Anniversary of the birth of our Nation, as pseudo-bombs burst in air, as Jimi Hendrix slyly slips “Taps” into the National Anthem [between 2:40 and 2:50 in the Youtube video linked above], and as citizens prepare for tomorrow’s NH Rebellion walk up the Seacoast, let’s have fun with newspapers! We want to broaden the distribution of our newspaper. To begin, we issue this call for volunteers: people who regularly commute from here in Portsmouth to places like Concord and Manchester, willing to bring with them, every other Friday, one or two bundles of …

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Occupy Earth

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 — The movement began, quite brilliantly, as an occupation of one location: the seat of power — Wall Street. By striking at the root of the problem, it changed the global topic of conversation in just two months. Unlike the collapse of the global Ponzi scheme, no one could have predicted that. The question now is how to proceed. We propose the continuation and expansion of the occupation, by means of Inescapable Newspapers. Allow us to briefly explain. (Again. See previous discussions of this idea here, here, here, and here.) Information that Shimmers If you were to ask a fish what …

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Progress in Kittery

Sunday, March 15, 2009—We’re overjoyed to announce that we now have ten times as many distribution points in Kittery as we did a fortnight ago. We’d like to thank everybody who suggested distribution points. We’d like to particularly thank Jackson’s Hardware, who called and asked if they could distribute the paper, and Jon Wyckoff, who volunteered out of the blue to distribute across the river. We’ve also added links to a couple of new articles on our Memorial Bridge page. Lastly, we’ve uploaded a 3 MB pdf file of our February 27, 2009 paper. In it, in lieu of a Rant, we publish “Helicopters, Cover-Ups, …

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Kittery Wish List Update 3

Wednesday, February 18, 2009—Thanks to a visitor from up—or is that down—the coast a ways, we have two more suggestions for distribution sites in Kittery. Thanks, Elizebeth—and keep an eye out for that dreaded red “Expiring” sticker! We now have nine locations on our Wish List, but we know there are other places that could be added. Don’t hold back! The Current List: Beach Pea Baking Co. Carl’s Meat Market Chef’s Cove Cafe (formerly the Crooked Lane), Chun Ping Lau Restaurant Golden Harvest 7-Eleven at the wee Kittery rotary Starbucks at the outlet The Navy Yard pub Tulsi (the Indian restaurant).

Kittery Wish List Update 2

Tuesday, February 10, 2009—Well, now—maybe we’re getting somewhere. Our call for suggested Gazette distribution locations in Kittery got off to a slow start, but as soon as we made it clear there was no need for the nominator to know the owners or operators, Michelle Moon suggested four places. That brings our total to seven. Thanks, Michelle! The Current List: Beach Pea Baking Co. Carl’s Meat Market Chef’s Cove Cafe (formerly the Crooked Lane), Golden Harvest Starbucks at the outlet The Navy Yard pub Tulsi (the Indian restaurant). We know there are more places, but we want to grow this thing organically, so use that …

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Kittery Wish List Update

Sunday, February 8, 2009—A while back we proposed that our readers let us know where in Kittery we ought to be distributing the Gazette. So far, we have received a total of three suggestions, from one reader. First, we’ll list those suggestions, then we’ll announce a change designed to get more response. Here’s the list as it stands: Chef’s Cove Cafe (formerly the Crooked Lane), Golden Harvest, and Starbucks at the outlet. Our thanks to Chip for sending those in. Now, we were anticipating more of a response. But we think we may know why we didn’t get it. In our appeal we said that …

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