Whither the Republic?

Friday, May 28, 2010 — Nice to see Joe Costello getting to ask the alarming if obvious question, “Are We Going to Way of the Roman Republic?” in a space as prestigious as the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute‘s NewDeal2.0.

By the time this get to that stage, of course the answer is obvious. Our own response to Costello’s question is equally obvious, it seems to us, but no one else seems to be saying it:

Is it any wonder that our tripartite government fails us when the fourth estate is entirely captured by corporate interests? Without new forms of media loyal to the citizenry we may be doomed.

Continuing with today’s theme of stating the obvious, there are plenty of newfangled gadgets out there reaching the online choirs. And they have their place.

Being the unrepentant throwbacks that we are, though, we’re committed to fulfilling that societal role on newsprint, in meatspace.

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