The New Hampshire Gazette
 Volume 258, No. 22, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014 — To download this issue of our paper, just click on the image at right. In this issue readers will find, “The Day America Went to Hell,” a preview of what will probably not be found in the mainstream media’s reportage next weekend; “The Tale of Two Arthurs,” in which we examine some of the implications of the epic Market Basket Battle of 2014; and an extended discussion of how Portsmouth residents might, if not rid their skies of airborne lawnmowers, at least quantify the nuisance.

Let’s Have Fun With Newspapers

Friday, July 4, 2014 — It’s Independence Day. On this, the 238th Anniversary of the birth of our Nation, as pseudo-bombs burst in air, as Jimi Hendrix slyly slips “Taps” into the National Anthem [between 2:40 and 2:50 in the Youtube video linked above], and as citizens prepare for tomorrow’s NH Rebellion walk up the Seacoast, let’s have fun with newspapers! We want to broaden the distribution of our newspaper. To begin, we issue this call for volunteers: people who regularly commute from here in Portsmouth to places like Concord and Manchester, willing to bring with them, every other Friday, one or two bundles of …

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