Our July 3 Paper, Free and Fully Readable in Your Browser

Friday, July 17, 2009 — We’re a bit perplexed ourselves. This should have been posted three weeks ago. [July 26.]This paper should have been posted July 17. In fact, we didn’t get it posted until late on Sunday, July 26.


From the Fortnightly Rant:

Thank God for good old American self-esteem. Without that, the World Health Organization’s ranking of our health care system behind 36 other countries — including Costa Rica, whose annual income per capita is $5,800 — might be kind of embarrassing.

The U.S. health care system really is outstanding in many ways. Only in America, for example, would eighteen year-old Jessica Terry of Sammamish, Washington, be able to diagnose her own illness …

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Our June 5, 2009 Paper, Free and Fully Readable in Your Browser

June 19, 2009—
One thing we love about this new method of presenting the paper is that we can finally present Mike Dater’s cartoons in a way that does them some kind of justice.


From “The Fortnightly Rant”

For the last eight years, Cheney ran the office Finley Peter Dunne once described as “not a crime exactly … but … kind of a disgrace … like writing anonymous letters,” in a way that made Tony Soprano’s operation look quaint. Now that we’ve been relieved of his governance, one might have hoped — or fervently wished, or feverishly prayed — that he would retreat to some obscure burrow in Wyoming, shut his droning pie-hole, and leave the world in peace. Instead, he continues to force toxic advice on his victims.

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Our May 22 Paper, Free and
Fully Readable in Your Browser

Saturday, June 6, 2009—We celebrate the 65th Aniversary of D-Day by introducing our new method of bridging the gap between our newsprint edition and these here Intertubes. It is now possible for you to read our paper in your web browser. (We’ll continue posting links to download whole pdfs, too. Here’s the 3.5 MB pdf for this issue.) Click on a thumbnail, and you will get a larger version of the page. Click again on that image, and you will get an even larger, quite readable image. The quoted texts to the left of the thumbnails are taken from that page.

Page One

“As the administration authorized harsh interrogation in April and May of 2002 — well before the Justice Department had rendered any legal opinion — its principal priority for intelligence was not aimed at pre-empting another terrorist attack on the U.S. but discovering a smoking gun linking Iraq and al Qaeda.”

This passage, along with a host of other well-known facts, leads almost inescapably to the conclusion that Vice President Dick “Still Dick” Cheney†* and his flock of pet chickenhawks tortured several hundred people, killing at least fifty of them in the process, to “prove” things that weren’t true, and strengthen the false argument that America must either invade Iraq, or put its own survival at risk. The success of Cheney’s scheme led to the deaths of more than four thousand Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, reduced the nation’s international reputation to ruins, and hastened us along the road to bankruptcy.

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