“A Trump Guy Through and Through”

To the Editor: In the New Hampshire primaries, more than 4,000 Democrats voted for Chris Sununu as a write-in. But Sununu is not the moderate they think he is. “I’m a Trump guy through and through,” Sununu boasts. He takes money and advice from the fossil fuel industry. His 77 vetoes diminish your rights, take money out of your pocket, and put you in danger from a runaway climate. Many New Hampshire residents work multiple jobs in the struggle to pay bills on a minimum wage of $7.25/hour. Sununu twice vetoed bills attempting a modest increase to $10/hour. We are in a pandemic, with no …

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The New Court’s Agenda

To the Editor: I continue to believe that we all deserve healthcare, racial and class equity, a livable earth, to live safely without guns to resolve our disputes, and that women have the right to decide issues related to our own bodies. In the September 20th Boston Sunday Globe (p. A15) Cass Sunstein, a professor at Harvard Law School, wrote about the issues to be decided soon by the U.S. Supreme Court: healthcare; climate change regulations; women’s reproductive rights; affirmative action programs; and the independence of a number of agencies such as the Federal Reserve Board, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and others. I read elsewhere …

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Don Ewing Gets De-Platformed

To the Editor: [Note: 398 words deleted. – The Ed.] Don Ewing Meredith, N.H. Don: Pardon us, but we were forced to delete 93 percent of your letter. We will, however, quote your first two sentences, in order to explain why. “To most of us, all lives, including all black [sic] lives, matter. However, the Black Lives Matter movement only cares about the black [sic] lives (usually black [sic] deaths) that it can use for political advantage.” We have long published your letters in much the same spirit that, while driving, we listen to Rush Limbaugh; fortunately, we rarely drive. It’s important to, at times, …

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This Is Far Worse Than Partisan Divide

To the Editor: Hyper partisanship, national polarization, party politics bleeding into areas it does not belong, and a dysfunctional Congress are no longer the biggest threats to our democracy. The cult-like self-identification of Trumpism is beyond political division and is pulling our nation into fascism. Fascism has always been veiled in patriotism, powered by insecurities, and prioritized blind loyalty. The question is, will Americans step up to fight this common threat, or will we be complacent, consumed by apathy, and hope that someone else will save the day? There is now common cause, for Conservative, Liberal, Moderate and others, to jointly shut the door on …

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Remembrance of Republicans Past

Dear Editor: Bear with me while I reminisce in ancient times, “senior moments” bestowed to aging citizens. Share with me, if you will, please, and believe me, there was once a Republican Party, and a commonwealth of practicing church families, that would not have conceded to Donald Trump the proverbial time of day. Entire generations of Americans believed (as Gandhi surmised as gospel), that “the outward behavior of a man is at once the sign and proof of the inner state.” Granted, politics strange bedfellows make. However, it is entirely incongruous that any thinking American (much less citizens even marginally inspired to practice Christian teachings) …

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In a Word, Unfit

To the Editor: Donald Trump is unfit to be president. This is not a new nor notable statement. He has amply demonstrated throughout his term that he has neither the intellect nor character for the job. He is a habitual liar who distorts facts to suit his narcissistic ends while valid criticism is deflected by citing crackpot conspiracy theories such as QAnon or the imaginary Deep State. His failures are many. Trump has conducted a chaotic foreign policy that has alienated allies while displaying deference to authoritarian leaders. In the face of overwhelming intelligence, he denies that Russia continues to influence our election processes in …

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