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Did It Again

Friday, April 20–We don’t even have the IRS excuse for our online silence this time. But, once again, we do have a fresh paper. It’s in the mail to our subscribers all over the country, and it’s available for free at more than 150 locations in Portsmouth and the surrounding towns.

The Main Thing

Friday, April 6—Has it really been two whole weeks since we posted here? Yup, guess so. Time sure flies when you’re shoveling your way through heaps of old newspapers, trying to find small piles of tax documents, and putting out a fresh paper at the same time. Well, we may not have accomplished anything online this past fortnight — but we did get the paper out.

Another Fortnight, Another Paper

Well, we did it. Again. Despite spending much of the last fortnight tinkering with this new digital dingbat, somehow we put together another issue of the Gazette, and got it printed, distributed, and mailed. The new banner just above, bearing today’s date, should squelch any doubters. Thanks once again to our mostly-volunteer writers, our volunteer proofreaders, mailing crew, and downtown distribution gang, and our one paid distribution guy, over the course of the next two weeks somewhere between ten and fifteen thousand people — perhaps as many as twenty thousand — living in or passing through the area shown in this map will be reading …

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Sproing-oing-oing …

If Wikipedia is to be believed, Spring began today at seven minutes after midnight. And, as always, not a moment too soon. Granted, winter seemed not to begin this year until we were well into January. But, as we knew it would, things averaged out with a prolonged spell of fairly brutal weather. The only reason the human race continues to reproduce is that women’s memories are faulty. The only reason New England remains occupied is that men’s memories are faulty, too. But Spring is here! Spring is here, a-suh-puh-ring is here. Life is skittles and life is beer. I think the loveliest time of …

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Random Weirdness

You just never know what you’re going to see in this town. Coming back from a delicious lunch – chicken pot pie at Ceres Bakery – our Wandering Photographer came across this enigmatic sight: a fire hydrant lying in the westbound lane on Islington Street, directly across from the Academy Building. We’ve got about thirteen pages locked up. Now it’s down to the crunch.

Snakes and Snow

It never rains but it pours — except in New England in March, when it snows. On Friday we got a fairly respectable blast of snow, followed by plenty of rain. So, on Saturday, St. Patrick’s Day, we ended up shovelling snow with the consistency of mashed potatoes. Close readers of our earlier posts will see that we expected all weekend for this new site to appear at any time. Almost all weekend. Sunday evening we checked and discovered that our DNS listing still pointed to our old server. Oh, well. We have yet to make a server change that does not involve a few …

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