Time for Major Surgery

Update, 5:44 p.m.: Well, folks, we just couldn’t stand it anymore. We don’t know nothin’ about no code. We got the shopping cart plug-in, we got the 134 page manual from PayPal, we got the BBEdit, but danged if we can figure out how to make all that come together so as to allow people to easily purchase a subscription online. We’d be discouraged — downhearted, even — if our motto were not, Nil Desperandum. Well, having impulsively switched over the nameserver about fifteen minutes ago, we’d better scurry around here and delete a bunch of possibly actionable stuff which we posted as we were …

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No Shortage of Fireworks

Scooter’s appeals process has barely begun, and people are talking about his boss, Big Time, in ways that would once have been unthinkable. Alberto’s in deep [expletive deleted], and people are talking about Turd Blossom. And remembering Jack Abramoff. The whole business about firing all those U.S. Attorneys just doesn’t smell right. The Republicans in the House can’t be sleeping well. And on a local level, the 2002 phone-jamming scandal finally begins to get some traction. It’s great to be alive. Even without this thing. It’s no secret that we’ve found it difficult to post on a regular basis, for a lot of reasons. Chief …

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