Mon, March 29
2003—Newsweek publishes a poll saying 74 percent of Americans think the Bush administration has “a well thought-out military plan.” 1995—Rep. Dan Burton [R-Ind.] says the U.S. “should place an aircraft carrier off the coast of [land-locked] Bolivia and crop dust the coca fields.” 1973—Army Master Sergeant Max Beilke becomes the last U.S. combat soldier to leave Vietnam. He will die at the Pentagon, a civilian, on 9/11/01. 1972—Anticipating a $100,000 “contribution” to the Nixon re-election campaign, the EPA lays off enforcement of a lead smelter in Idaho. 1971—A court martial for 22 murders makes Lt. W. Calley the scapegoat for My Lai; he gets “life …