How To Defend White Supremacy

To the Editor: Do you want your young children, grandchildren, or anyone’s children taught that, not due to their own actions, speech, or thoughts but, simply because of their race or gender: – They are racists, sexists, immoral, and/or unworthy of respect? – They should be made to feel uncomfortable, ashamed, or otherwise distressed about who they are? – They are oppressors of others? – One race or gender is inherently superior or inferior to others? – They should confess that they are horrible (e.g., racists, sexists, rapists, immoral) people? – There’s something wrong with them and their family if no family member is gay, …

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GOP Promotes Gag Rule

To the Editor: Are you concerned about the effects of global warming? In New Hampshire, carbon pollution in the air increases asthma and health costs. Extreme weather brings floods and drought, threatening our homes, roads and bridges, and our farmers’ crops. We look to our government to help find solutions. But in New Hampshire our representatives on the Science, Technology and Energy Committee are promoting a bill that would prevent discussion of any plan. House Bill 373 “prohibits the department of environmental services from participating in discussions of any state, regional, or national low carbon fuel standards program…or planning of such programs.” This bill is …

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Let’s Show Some Humanity

Dear Editor, HB138-FN, allowing prisoners serving life sentences to be eligible for parole after 25 years, is currently before the New Hampshire House for an April 9th vote. This bill is by no means a get-out-of-jail-free card. It merely provides an opportunity for select individuals to be heard, to plead their case before the New Hampshire Parole Board. Only those who have shown genuine remorse and willingness to make amends by whatever means possible, have a clean record, have fulfilled all rehabilitation programs required of them, have demonstrated themselves to have transformed their lives within prison, and have a concrete and practical plan for success …

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Welcome to the Shooting Gallery

Welcome to the Shooting Gallery, folks, at the Great American Firearms Bazaar! Step right up and win your sweetheart a Kewpie doll! No background check required! No waiting period! Just plunk down your $$$$$, pick up a gun, and start blasting away! It’s easy! It’s fun! Guaranteed to win a prize every time! Just when we thought things were looking up—coronavirus vaccinations increasing by the week, Cadet Bone Spur relegated to Maybe-Lar-Gesse and facing dozens of law suits and maybe some criminal prosecutions too, a real president in the White House, and the crocuses and daffodils beginning to bloom—we get forcefully and depressingly reminded that …

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