To the Editor:
Are you concerned about the effects of global warming? In New Hampshire, carbon pollution in the air increases asthma and health costs. Extreme weather brings floods and drought, threatening our homes, roads and bridges, and our farmers’ crops.
We look to our government to help find solutions. But in New Hampshire our representatives on the Science, Technology and Energy Committee are promoting a bill that would prevent discussion of any plan. House Bill 373 “prohibits the department of environmental services from participating in discussions of any state, regional, or national low carbon fuel standards program…or planning of such programs.”
This bill is promising New Hampshire citizens that our government will not plan to reduce carbon. We will continue to put carbon in the atmosphere. And we won’t even talk about it.
In case this sounds like a bad idea to you, please contact the representatives who have sponsored this “gag bill,” HB373: Representative Jeanine Notter of Hillsborough 21; Representative Michael Vose of Rockingham 9; Representative Michael Harrington of Strafford 3; Representative Glen Aldrich of Belknap 2; and Representative Jason Osborne of Rockingham 4.
We need representatives who solve problems. Not those who turn their backs on them.
Susan Richman
Durham, N.H.
Once again, those screaming “cancel culture” are found to be revealing their own hypocrisy.
The Editor