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Fri, Sept. 3

2003—Because life is sacred, Florida poisons Paul Hill, who shotgunned Dr. John Britton and his bodyguard because life is sacred. Rinse & repeat. 1991—Locked doors, dead phones, and a lack of fire alarms kill 25 workers in a North Carolina chicken plant. 1971—As Richard Nixon speaks at a Milk Producers’ convention in Chicago, an aide pockets his fee: a $5,000 bribe, which will pay the Plumbers who are, this day, breaking into the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist—at Nixon’s behest. 1955—Mamie Till Mobley holds an open-casket funeral for her murdered and mutilated son Emmett. 1950—American advisors arrive in Saigon to support NATO: France wants Vietnam, …

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Thurs, Sept. 2

1983—Mississippi’s execution of Jimmy Lee Gray goes badly, possibly because executioner T. Berry Bruce is drunk. Eight minutes after the poison gas is released, officials clear the witness room because Gray is still gasping, moaning, and banging his head on a steel pole. 1945—VJ Day—Japan surrenders to General “Dugout Doug” MacArthur aboard a battleship named after Harry S Truman’s home state. 1945—Cribbing freely from the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam to be sovereign and independent. 1939—G-Man J. Edgar Hoover creates a “Custodial Detention Index,” a list of left wingers to detain without trial in case of “national emergency.” 1935—Recently rousted from …

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Wed, Sept. 1

2019—Meteorologist-in-Chief Donald J. Trump tweets that Hurricane Dorian will hit Alabama hard. 2005—New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin calls for George W.[MD] Bush and FEMA to “get off your asses and do something” about his flooded city. 1989—Narcs trying to score crack near the White House for a George H.[H.]W. Bush presidential photo-op get the drug on their third try but not the film—their camera operator gets mugged by a homeless person. 1983—The USSR shoots down KAL Flight 007. Among the victims: John Birch Society President and Congressman Larry McDonald (R-Ga.). 1982—The U.S. Air Force Space Command becomes operational. 1970—“This chamber reeks of blood,” charges George …

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Tues, August 31

2019—Portsmouth’s Daniel Street Post Office closes for good. Thanks a lot, Councilor, Congressman, Governor, and Senator Judd Gregg. 1973—The Gainesville Eight, antiwar veterans charged with conspiracy to riot at the 1972 Republican National Convention, are acquitted. 1965—President Johnson signs a bill making draft card burning illegal. 1963—Robert Bork publishes an article in The New Republic opposing the Civil Rights Act. 1954—Hurricane Carol slams New England; 65 die. 1948—An LAPD setup bears fruit: Robert Mitchum is busted for pot. 1939—German operatives conduct Operation Himmler, 21 false flag attacks along the Polish border, to justify the next day’s invasion. 1925—After an 11-year occupation, U.S. Marines depart from …

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Mon, August 30

2011—The Federal Election Commission awakens and OKs an investigation of Rep. Frank Guinta [R-N.H.]. 2007—Unbeknownst to the pilots, a B-52 takes off from N.D. with six live nukes onboard. In La., it sits unguarded from noon to 10:00 p.m. 2004—To milk 9/11 for all it’s worth, the RNC convenes in New York City. Attendees mock John Kerry and wounded vets in general by wearing “Purple Heart” band-aids. 1979—Deftly wieldinga canoe paddle, President Carter fends off a deranged swamp rabbit. 1979—For the first time, astronomers observe a comet hitting the sun. 1967—Thurgood Marshall becomes the first Black Associate Justice. 1964—At the Democratic Convention, an all-white delegation …

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Sun, August 29

2013—Americans learn, thanks to Edward Snowden, that the annual “Black Budget” of the “Intelligence Community” is $52.6 billion a year. 2007—Due to careless accounting, an Air Force B-52 at Minot AFB in North Dakota is loaded with six live nukes, then left unguarded overnight. 1996—President William J. Clinton wins re-nomination, but loses advisor Dick Morris. His $200-an-hour prostitute’s-toe-sucking habit is too taboo. 1977—Memphis cops nab three people trying to steal Elvis’s corpse. 1970—A 23-member band of Native Americans scale Mount Rushmore and re-name it for Crazy Horse. 1968—A week-long rebellion erupts at the Long Binh Jail in Vietnam. 1957—Despite a 24 hr., 18 min. filibuster …

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