Isn’t Sedition Against the Law?

To the Editor: The original plot was supposed to be a bloodless coup committed through scurrilous parliamentary maneuvering—a scheme that would block the peaceful transition of power and throw the election outcome into the courts. Evidence uncovered by the January 6th Committee suggests the plan was conjured up by the GOP nearly a year ahead of time with the support of thinktank advisors, state officials, and private sector megadonors. It might have worked except at the last minute, Vice President Pence refused to overstep his authority and play along. The insurrection that followed was a crude hail-Mary aimed at blocking the transfer of power through …

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Lessons From a War-Torn Garden

by Melinda Burrell Walking home from dinner, we heard an explosion. It wasn’t close, so we didn’t worry. The next morning, we learned a demobilized Serbian soldier had committed suicide in his garage with a grenade. That happened a lot.  Two weeks later, I was walking home by myself. The setting sun gilded the neighborhood. I stopped to admire a bloom-filled garden. Suspicious of me, the baba (grandma) emerged to investigate. In halting Serbian, I complimented her garden. She swooped down, picked an armful of dahlias, and handed them to me with a smile. I was stunned. How could I reconcile this kindness with the …

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America in Wonderland

Dear Sir: Welcome to America in Wonderland, the sequel. Written by Donald Trump and a group of Republican Governors, Legislators, pundits et al., America in Wonderland takes us down that famous rabbit hole into a world where truths are lies, facts are fiction, evil is good, reality is distortion, illegal is legal, scientists are quacks, and losers are winners. Where else but Wonderland would you see a director of a county public health department suspended for encouraging his staff to to get vaccinated against a disease that has killed over 800,000 Americans and sickened millions more? That is exactly what happened in Orange County Florida. …

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Open Letter to Republican Leadership:

Once again, winter months are contributing to the exponential spread of Covid infections, summoning an official health alert. Despite Covid’s threats, vaccine and mask requirements via the executive branch are as likely in New Hampshire as snow at Mar-a-Lago. However, Republican leadership has acknowledged the risks to health by conducting business in spacious venues, the house meeting in Manchester, the senate in Concord. Despite improved accommodations, too many legislators refuse to wear masks, adding to the substantial risks imposed upon in-person public participants in governance, 2022. Business to be considered this session runs the gamut: New Hampshire seceding from the “United” States of America; targeting …

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Save the Snowshoe Hares, Part I

To the Editor: The New Hampshire House Fish and Game and Marine Resources committee is getting mass emails with misinformation from the opposition to the N.H. snowshoe hare protection legislation, HB 1308. These hundreds of emails don’t give the N.H. town of residence, leading to the belief that the emails are from out-of-staters. Supporters of the bill are concerned that the reasons for supporting this legislation are lost in the hundreds of emails from non-residents. HB 1308 is a conservation bill. It keeps snowshoe hares in the wild. Beagle clubs trap and relocate them for dog training. The clubs use the hares in field trials …

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Another Fortnight, Another Nightmare

Only now, after running this operation for a third of a century, do we begin to doubt the wisdom of snatching back this newspaper from its previous operators. It looked to be such fun: no corporate bosses censoring us, no timid advertisers inhibiting us—to the best of our meager abilities, we’d be free to write the news as it actually happens—a rare opportunity. That’s great, right? Uh…have you heard what’s going on out there…? Things are so scary we’re tempted to reach for the Thesaurus in search of a few comforting euphemisms; but, we forbear. [Cue the portenteous sound effects.] This fortnight finds the world …

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