Tues, Aug 16
2017—Free State reject Chris Cantwell posts a video online which earns him the moniker, “The Crying Nazi.” 1977—Elvis allegedly dies. 1971—John Dean writes his boss, Richard Nixon, a memo on how to “use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.” 1968—Armed guards subdue—temporarily—228 rioting Marines in the brig at Danang, wounding seven. 1966—Chaos erupts as HUAC tries to hold a hearing into anti-war protestors’ alleged aid to the Viet Cong. 1956—F-89s shoot up a car and two houses, and burn 800 acres of L.A., but can’t down a rogue target drone. 1951—In France, Pont-Saint-Esprit suddenly seems to go mad. Ergot is blamed at …