Mon, Nov 8
2016—Donald J. Trump wins the Presidency. Everybody else is a loser. 2013—Naval Intelligence boss Ted “Twig” Branch has his security clearance lifted. He can’t do his job, but the Navy leaves him in it. 2010—On TV, George W.[MD] Bush says his mom once asked him for a ride to the hospital, displaying a jar with a miscarried sibling in it. 2000—At 2:16 a.m., Fox News “reporter” John Ellis calls Fla. in favor of his cousin, George W.[MD] Bush. 1994—The GOP, led by serial philanderer Newt Gingrich, take Congress. 1965—Dorothy Kilgallen’s investigation into JFK’s assassination ends due to an allegedly accidental overdose. 1954—Ike writes his brother …