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Sat, July 29

1994—Pro-life Reverend Paul Jennings Hill shotguns Dr. John Britton and his bodyguard James Barrett to death and wounds Barrett’s wife June. 1986—Ex-Chaplain Charlie Liteky, protesting U.S. policies in Latin America, renounces the Medal of Honor he got for heroism in Vietnam. 1981—Congress passes Ronald Reagan’s tax cut for the rich. 1974—Ten Republicans out of 17 on the Judiciary Committee vote not to impeach Nixon for abuse of power and violating his oath of office. 1970—Thanks to a five-year grape boycott, the United Farm Workers win their first contract. 1967—Bum equipment and bad procedures create a stray electrical current that sends a Zuni rocket from an …

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Fri, July 28

2012—Three elderly troublemakers infiltrate Oak Ridge, Tenn. and spill blood on its nuclear weapons plant. 2006—A wild storm topples the partially-renovated steeple of North Church and its attendant scaffolding onto Pleasant Street in Portsmouth. 2003—Tom DeLay (R-Texas), who once said Americans smoke Cuban cigars “at the cost of our national honor,” is photographed in Jerusalem lighting up a $25 Hoyo de Monterrey. 1967—Gov. Reagan signs a gun control bill, 87 days after armed Black Panthers visit the Calif. State House. 1945—A B-25 hits the Empire State Building; six floors burn, 13 die, 26 are injured. Among them: elevator operator Betty Oliver. The cable of the …

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Thurs, July 27

2008—Citing Fox News’ Bernard Goldberg as inspiration, J.D. Adkisson shotguns a Knoxville church, killing two and wounding seven. 1996—Pro-life Eric Robert Rudolph bombs the Atlanta Olympics. 1974—Eleven Republicans out of 17 on the Judiciary Committee vote not to impeach Nixon for obstruction. 1957—Jimmy Wilson, who’s Black, is sentenced to death in Alabama for stealing $1.95 from a white woman. 1954—Mercenaries overthrow the government of Guatemala at the behest of the CIA. Genocide ensues. 1946—Hollywood Reporter owner Billy Wilkerson, uncertain whether to name ten suspected Communists, consults Father Cornelius J. McCoy. He replies, “Get those bastards, Billy.” 1919—After a Black man is killed at a segregated …

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Wed, July 26

1968—Newly elected, the President of South Vietnam jails the runner-up. 1968—Mexico massacres its students. 1959—Lt. Col. William Rankin, U.S.M.C., ejects from his F-8 over a thunderstorm. He survives 40 minutes of lightning and hail at -58°. 1953—Arizona State Police and National Guard arrest the whole damn town of Short Creek for polygamy. 1950—The U.S. 7th Cavalry, backed by air support, kills between 200 and 400 Korean refugees at No Gun Ri. 1948—Harry Truman orders that the U.S. military be desegregated. 1947—The National Security Act creates the CIA and NSA and turns the War Department into the DoD. 1936—With dozens of fellow Commies along for cover, …

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Tues, July 25

2019—President Trump makes a phone call to Ukraine President Vladimir Zelenskey. It’s “perfect.” 2000—In a touching display of naiveté, George W.[MD] Bush announces that he has picked Dick “Dick” Cheney as running mate. 1990—Ambassador April Glaspie tells Saddam the U.S. won’t take sides in an Iraq-Kuwait border dispute. 1975—Chester Plummer, Jr., a Black ’Nam vet with a three-foot pipe in his hand, becomes the first person shot dead on the White House lawn. 1972—AP: The U.S. used Black men as guinea pigs for 40 years. 1965—Dylan’s choice of guitars shocks the Newport Folk Festival. 1952—Généreux Ruest, a disabled watchmaker who helped bomb an airliner, is …

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Mon, July 24

2017—“Who the hell wants to talk about politics…in front of the Boy Scouts?,” asks Donald Trump, who then talks politics at the Jamboree. 2008—A tornado hits nine towns in N.H., killing a Deerfield woman. 2003—Congress says the FBI and the CIA blew off warnings of a possible al-Qaeda attack on the U.S. 2003—In Iraq, the U.S. proudly displays photographs of the corpses of Uday and Qusay Hussein. 2002—James Traficant (D-Ohio) is booted from the U.S. House of Representatives for taking bribes. 1998—To prevent a cannibal holocaust, Rusty Weston murders Rep. Tom DeLay’s bodyguard and another Capitol cop. Shot and near death himself, he is revived …

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