Sun, March 17
2017—Arguing Apocalypse Now in the Oval with ’Nam vets, Dolt #45 confuses Agent Orange with napalm. 2008—His high-priced hooker habit exposed, N.Y. Gov. E. Spitzer resigns. 2007—Navy Times: before he was a U.S.M.C. Cpl. and Fox News reporter, Matt Sanchez was a gay porn star. 2004—To honor St. Patrick, narcs and off-duty cops duke it out in Paddy’s parking lot at the Tradeport. 2003—George W.[MD] Bush tells Saddam Hussein that Iraq isn’t big enough for the both of them, giving the varmint 48 hours to vamoose. 1976—Candidate Jimmy Carter marches in New York’s St. Patrick’s Day parade, wearing a button saying “England Get Out Of …