Sun, March 17

2017—Arguing Apocalypse Now in the Oval with ’Nam vets, Dolt #45 confuses Agent Orange with napalm. 2008—His high-priced hooker habit exposed, N.Y. Gov. E. Spitzer resigns. 2007—Navy Times: before he was a U.S.M.C. Cpl. and Fox News reporter, Matt Sanchez was a gay porn star. 2004—To honor St. Patrick, narcs and off-duty cops duke it out in Paddy’s parking lot at the Tradeport. 2003—George W.[MD] Bush tells Saddam Hussein that Iraq isn’t big enough for the both of them, giving the varmint 48 hours to vamoose. 1976—Candidate Jimmy Carter marches in New York’s St. Patrick’s Day parade, wearing a button saying “England Get Out Of …

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Sat, March 16

2008—JPMorgan buys Bear Stearns, with the New York Fed’s $30 billion. 2003—On “Meet the Press,” Dick “Dick” Cheney claims that Saddam Hussein “has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons,” and that“we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.” 1993—“The Storm of the Century” kills 318 on the East Coast. 1990—GOP race whisperer Lee Atwater “repents” on his deathbed; no lie detectors are present, however. 1988—Kurds in Iraq are gassed with ingredients Saddam Hussein bought from the U.S. and Europe. 1970—Sen. Roman Hruska (R-Neb.) defends G. Harrold [sic] Carswell as nominee to the Supreme Court: “there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They …

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Fri, March 15

2018—Six die and eight are injured in Miami when a bridge, designed by the same firm as the new Sarah Mildred Long Bridge, collapses. 1999—The “Hockey Stick” graph shows that global warming’s real; corporate demand for expert liars soars. 1989—To flatter veterans without incurring actual additional expenses, the Veterans Administration is elevated to Departmental status. 1982—Donald Trump gets a New Jersey casino licence—normally a months-long process—in hours. 1980—A Boston Globe editorial about a speech by Jimmy Carter is headlined, “Mush from the Wimp.” 1969—The National Security Council OKs the Nixon/Kissinger plan to illegally bomb Cambodia. 1962—Flying Tiger Flight 739 from Travis AFB to Saigon disappears …

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Thurs, March 14

2018—Hoping not to get shot like so many of their late peers, a million American students walk out of school to demand gun control that works. 1977—RIP Fannie Lou Hamer, organizer of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, who said, “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” 1965—“Except for Vietnam,” the AP reports Richard Nixon saying, “U.S. foreign policy is in a shambles.” 1964—We still don’t know who killed JFK, but on this day a jury decided Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. 1961—A B-52, its cabin temps over 130° due to a heater snafu and its crew’s performance perhaps sub-par due to bennie use, runs out of …

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Wed, March 13

2020—Dolt #45 states the obvious: “I don’t take responsibility at all.” 2019—Gambino family mob boss Frank Cali is whacked in front of his Staten Island home by a QAnon follower who thought “he was enjoying the protection of President Trump.” 2002—Asked about Osama bin Laden, George W.[MD] Bush says, “We haven’t heard much from him…I don’t know where he is…I truly am not that concerned about him.” 1968—Nerve gas drifting from the Army’s Dugway Proving Ground in Provo, Utah, poisons 6,400 sheep in nearby Skull Valley. 1962—General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, OKs Operation Northwood, a false flag campaign of …

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Tues, March 12

2014—Austin Ruse, head of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, says on American Family Radio, “the hard left, human-hating people that run modern universities…should all be taken out and shot.” 2013—Jim Clapper, Dir. of Nat’l Intelligence, swears to Congress citizens aren’t being spied on. He’s lying. 2009—Frank Gaffney says Saddam Hussein may have been involved in the Oklahoma City bombing. 2003—News reports say VP Dick “Dick” Cheney is still being paid up to $1 million a year by Halliburton. 1990—ADA activists visit the Capitol the only way they can: leaving their wheelchairs and crawling up the steps. 1956—Bill Fulbright, Sam Ervin, Hale Boggs—Cokie Roberts’ …

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